Bishop Deborah Hutterer Reelected at 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly

In an election during the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, Bishop Deborah Hutterer was reelected to continue her leadership, receiving the necessary 75% of votes on the first ballot. A total of 281 votes were cast, with 267 recognized as legal votes. Bishop Hutterer garnered 201 votes from our synod community. Full results of the bishop election ballot can be found here.

This assembly was not just a testament to our unique and Spirif-filled election process, but also a celebration of unity and collective vision. We extend our deepest gratitude to all who participated, including the voting members and organizers who made this event possible. Special thanks to Deacon John Weit, our ELCA representative, for his invaluable assistance and to Love of Christ in Mesa for hosting this significant event.

We encourage our community to stay engaged and informed as we uphold our mission and values under Bishop Hutterer’s renewed leadership.