Be Connected Faith Network


Arizona is home to more than 500,000 service members, veterans and their families. Many of these valued members of our community turn to their faith for support, healing and connection. That is why the Arizona Coalition for Military Families is partnering with members of the faith community around the state to build the Be Connected Faith Network. 

Read this post or this PDF or visit for more info.

Join us in our mission to work together to build a strong, statewide network of caring and compassionate people who offer support for all who serve our country and their families who support them. Through your support, we can provide faith-based support and build a sense of community for service members, veterans and their families. 

As a member of our Be Connected Faith Network, you’ll receive resources to share and no cost training so you can be an effective helper. With your participation, we can ensure that every faith group becomes a source of support for Arizona’s service members, veterans and family members.

The Be Connected Faith Network is a part of our overall mission to connect every Arizona service member, veteran and family member to support and resources. Spirituality is one of ten social determinants of health and areas of focus for the Be Connected program.


  • Faith can serve as a vehicle to help service members and veterans feel more connected to mainstream society.

  • A study found that veterans with depression and PTSD are open to being helped by spiritual counseling, but few take the first step to reach out.

  • Spiritual connection gained through discussion, activities and events can provide hope, lessen feelings of isolation and be a springboard to promote other healthy behaviors.


Arizona’s service members, veterans and their families benefit from easy access to equipped and networked faith communities and faith leaders like you. As a champion for those who served, and their families, you can help by providing spiritual healing. Examples of support that faith based communities can provide include:

  • Prayer

  • Connections & Care

  • Listening & Encouragement

  • Service

  • Education

  • Intervention & Referrals

  • Implementing Evidence Based Practices