Back to School with a Bang: Lutheran Social Services of Nevada’s Community Fair

The Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSNV) proudly hosted a Back to School Fair for Families and Children, marking a day filled with joy, excitement, and community spirit. A total of 338 children were served, and the event was brimming with fun, laughter, and, of course, peanut butter!
The fair wouldn't have been a success without the collective efforts of 20 volunteers, 24 groups, and at least 65 people directly involved. Thanks to our sponsor Angelica and Anthem and community partners like Ronald McDonald Care Mobile, Liberty Dental, Dr's Kopolow & Girisgen, Dad’s inc, the Las Vegas Police Department, Clark County DFS, Help of Southern Nevada, and Vegas Nvaders.
A special shoutout to those who generously collected school supplies, including BNI power partners, Home Depot, CKR Financial Services, Gbank, and Intentional healings.
The day was filled with incredible moments, including a police officer/child dance-off! You can catch glimpses of the event on Channel 3 news, Telemundo, Fox 5, and our Facebook page.