A Time of Remembrance, Thanksgiving, and Reflections

A Time of Remembrance, Thanksgiving, and Reflections for the lives and faith and leadership of:

  • The Rev. David Walter Preus, Presiding Bishop of the American Lutheran Church, Parish Pastor, Author

  • The Rev. Dr. Peter Louis Steinke, Parish pastor, Educator, Author, Therapist, Congregational Systems Consultant

  • The Rev. Walter Martin Wangerin, Jr., Author, Parish Pastor, Professor, Educator, Radio Announcer

Thursday, August 12, 2021, 4:00 p.m. Click here to attend the Zoom.

Three leaders within the Lutheran Church have recently died or are having their memorial services now during these summer days. All three are known by many for the powerful impact they have on people and congregations within the Lutheran community and far beyond.

Any and all are invited to gather together by Zoom for a time to remember, pray, give thanks, and offer brief reflections on the lives of these three people of faith who have touched the lives and hearts of so many within Christ’s Church. Please gather with Bishop-elect Brenda Bos and Bishop Murray D. Finck for a time to offer our thanksgiving to God for these three saints who have gone before us. May light perpetual shine upon them.

This gathering is hosted by the Southwest California Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America