2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly Rules and Procedures Announced

As we approach the 2024 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly scheduled for June 13-15, it’s essential for all voting members to familiarize themselves with the newly released Rules of Procedure. Our goal is to ensure a smooth, inclusive, and spiritually enriching assembly for all participants.

Essential Rules and Voting Procedures:

The assembly will operate under Robert’s Rules of Order, and no proxy or absentee voting is permitted. During the assembly, seating for voting members will be designated, ensuring that everyone’s participation is organized and accessible. Importantly, voting can be done by voice, hand, or written ballot, with green cards for approval and red for disapproval of motions.

Participation Guidelines:

To speak or make a motion, members must be recognized after approaching one of the designated floor microphones. All motions and resolutions should be submitted in writing, accompanied by the member’s name and role. This structured approach aids in maintaining order and ensures that every voice has the chance to be heard respectfully and equitably.

Debate and Amendments:

Debate on motions or resolutions is limited to 20 minutes, with an extension possible by assembly vote. It’s crucial for participants to prepare succinctly, focusing on impactful and considerate dialogue that reflects the spirit of our Lutheran faith.

Looking Ahead:

As we prepare for this significant event, let’s remember our commitment to embody the words of Galatians 5:22-23, fostering an environment of kindness, generosity, and self-control. We are not only conducting the business of the church but also witnessing our faith in action.

For more details, please refer to the full document available on our website and ensure you are prepared for a fruitful assembly experience.