2022 Diakonia assembly report

2022 Assembly Reports:
View reports for our
2022 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.

In this report, Diakonia shares a video with a great recap of Diakonia’s past, present, and exciting new future.

The Diakonia Program assists in creating the next generation of leaders for our churches.

  • Diakonia students feel more qualified to serve on worship teams or as Sunday School or Confirmation leaders

  • Diakonia students more easily discuss their faith and encourage others to do so as well

  • Diakonia students and graduates become treasured partners in ministry to pastors continually searching for assistance

  • The diakonia program enables clergy to fulfill their call to raise up and equip faithful disciples

  • The diakonia program is offering an updated curriculum format in the course year 2022-2023