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Debate and Discovery: How ‘The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory’ Reflects on Evangelical Challenges

Are you curious about what it truly means to be part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America today? Join us for a profound exploration of our identity at the upcoming book club discussion hosted by Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center. This event will feature an insightful conversation on Tim Alberta’s book, The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism. The book club meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11, from 12:00 to 1:00 PM AZ (MST).

In a world where ‘evangelical’ often conveys images far removed from our Lutheran teachings, this discussion aims to clarify and explore the true essence of being evangelical within the ELCA context. Facilitated by Sheri Brown and Reverend Steve Holm, retired ELCA pastor and writer of Spirited daily devotions, the event promises to offer a deep dive into the often-controversial evangelical landscape of America.

Tim Alberta, a journalist deeply rooted in Christian faith, documents the significant fractures within American Christianity. His investigation into how conservative Christians have sometimes misused power in pursuit of an earthly kingdom provides a backdrop for our discussion. Alberta’s work not only traces the historical arcs leading to these divisions but also challenges us to reconsider the evangelical mission in light of scriptural truths and Lutheran convictions.

We will explore the dichotomy between the pursuit of power and the teachings of Jesus Christ, framed by Alberta’s narratives that feature perspectives from across the evangelical spectrum—from televangelists to everyday churchgoers.

This book club is not just an academic exercise; it’s a call to engage with our faith and to reflect on how our Lutheran identity can inform our understanding of and interaction with broader evangelical movements. For those interested in deepening their understanding of these complex issues, details and registration for the event can be found at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center’s event page.

Join us as we navigate these challenging waters together, seeking wisdom and guidance through communal reflection and conversation.