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Transitions are a part of life, filled with both challenge and opportunity.

For communities of faith, transitions are fertile ground for God’s transformational work. When a congregation begins this journey of transformation, the Grand Canyon Synod Office of the Bishop accompanies congregations and rostered ministers. 

Congregational transitions are incredibly significant in the life of the whole church. They offer a rare opportunity for renewal and a time to reflect on the ministry and future of each congregation in unique ways. Entering the transition process intentionally and thoughtfully allows the Holy Spirit to move and breathe new life into the ministry of your congregation. View a listing of congregations in the call process here.

Each of the sixty-five synods of the ELCA is responsible for the management of the call process within the territory of their respective synod. Learn more about the call process here.

I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.
— Jeremiah 3:15