
Rev. Christine Stoxen

Congregational Membership: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chandler, Fiesta Conference

Education/training: MDIV, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary

Occupation: Pastor, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Chandler, AZ

Life Experiences: I have served as an ordained pastor in the ELCA for 20 years. Having served in roles at Congregation, Synod and ELCA levels, I have gained a great appreciation of the work that we do together to make God's love known in the world. Attending the ELCA Churchwide Assembly is one of the important and essential ways that we work together. I believe we are truly stronger together. This appreciation and the understanding of the wider church will help me to be an affective voting member at the Churchwide Assembly.

Related Activities:

  • Chair of the "ELCA Always Being Made New Campaign" for the SC Synod

  • Volunteer coordinator for the ELCA Rostered Leaders Gathering

  • Dean of the Fiesta Conference

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