Beyond Marble Halls: Finding True Power in Community and Compassion

In the devotional "Shared Power" by Tomo Duke for the ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows, the focus is on the transformative power of community unity through Christ, beyond the illusions of worldly power at the governmental level. Duke emphasizes the need for leaders who ground their authority in spiritual power and share it generously, highlighting the importance of recognizing our common fragility and humanity.

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ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering: Empowering Leaders in the Fight Against Global Hunger

The most recent Go and Do Good News newsletter from ELCA World Hunger features the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in Houston. The event showcased the ELCA's enduring commitment to addressing global hunger and poverty, featuring enriching sessions, advocacy for migrants, and resources for Lent 2024 and the 50th anniversary celebration of ELCA World Hunger.

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Bishop Hutterer: 40 Days of Contemplating Mortality and Embracing Life

Some may find it strange, but I welcome Ash Wednesday. While I believe we are a resurrection people, I also feel we can’t have that joy of new life without contemplating the reality that life is broken, and that things have an ending as much as a beginning.

Ash Wednesday, as well as the season of Lent, invites us as to reflect on themes that our modern world often encourages us to evade: confession, grief, and mortality. These are not subjects to be feared or shunned but embraced as vital in shaping the richness and depth of our lives.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations where war and violence rage, especially Palestine and Israel, Myanmar, Russia and Ukraine, and the Sudan…

  • For landslide victims in Turkey and families of those trapped, missing, or killed…

  • For peaceful resolution to farmers’ protests in India…

  • For all victims of gun violence, including victims of a subway shooting in the Bronx and members of Lakewood Church in Houston, TX…

  • For places experiencing flooding and severe weather storms…

  • For those who live with pain of body, mind, or spirit, visible and invisible…

  • For the church as we enter the season of Lent…

  • For peace and comfort as we confront our mortality, praying especially for those facing terminal diagnoses, those nearing death, and those who are grieving…

  • For the shalom of creation…

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Rev. Ralen M. Robinson: Finding God in desolate places

From Women of the ELCA’s Boldcafe blog, Rev. Ralen M. Robinson shares two writings for Lent.

Finding God in desolate places: We are called to step into the season of Lent for 40 days to fast, reflect, repent and sacrifice like Jesus did in the desert. We are called to find God in desolate places. Where are you finding God this winter?

Faith reflections: Finding something in nothing: How often do we challenge ourselves to see potential in the impossible? That is what we are called to do this Lenten season.

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What is Sumud? | Following the Way of Jesus: A Lenten Holy Land Journey

“Following the Way of Jesus: a Lenten Holy Land Journey” begins on the Sea of Galilee. The introduction week will invite you into this 6-week series. Through this journey you will explore the Holy Land, the theology of Sumud and what it means for Palestinian Christians today.

Sumud is the ELCA’s new name for our church’s engagement in accompaniment, awareness-building and advocacy for justice in Palestine and Israel.

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Faith Lens: Dealing With Highs and Lows

In the latest Faith Lens blog, Joshua Serrano reflects on handling life's highs and lows through the lens of celebrity stories and the early ministry of Jesus. He discusses Adam Sandler's humble reaction to a professor's early criticism, juxtaposed with the Gospel account of Jesus' baptism and subsequent temptation. Serrano encourages finding strength in our identity as beloved children of God, regardless of life's fluctuating circumstances.

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Living with Grace: February Series at Community of Grace

Attend the third session of the 'Aging with Grace' series at Community of Grace on February 21st. Ms. Barbara Kvittiem-Barr, CPA, will cover 'Living with Grace,' focusing on financial and legal aspects of extended care. This session is crucial for those seeking guidance on managing the financial intricacies of elder care, along with the importance of personal self-care.

For a deep dive into each weekly topic and to connect with valuable resources, visit the full series details at Community of Grace or in this PDF.

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Join the Thriving Leadership Formation Cohorts for Spiritual and Community Growth

Looking for a way to enhance your leadership and spiritual journey? Join the Thriving Leadership Formation Cohorts, a series of 12 sessions starting 2/16/2024 designed to create community and foster growth among church leaders. Dive into enriching spiritual practices in a supportive environment, all at no cost. Contact Pastor Susan Dollinger at for more info.

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Annual Call for Insights: Rostered Ministers' Report Due Soon

As rostered ministers of the Grand Canyon Synod, you have a unique opportunity to share insights and feedback directly with Bishop Hutterer through the annual Report to the Bishop. Your thoughtful participation is not only a commitment but also a valuable contribution to the synod's mission and future planning.

The deadline for submission is March 1, 2024, and the process has been made accessible with online and Word document forms.

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ELCA Mission Support Memo: February 2024

We share the ELCA Mission Support Memo for February 2024. This month highlights the beauty and difficulty of attending a closing service of a local church in the Southeast Michigan Synod and how it was "Brutiful".  Also find links to our ELCA resources to SOFIA, these Mission Support Memos, but also Annual Report Covers, Intent templates and more. There is also a heartfelt thank you to all treasurers and bookkeepers across our wider church. Read the memo here.

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