Simplified Annual Congregation Report for ELCA: Submit by March 1, 2024

The ELCA is proud to introduce the newly streamlined Annual Congregation Report for 2024, now consolidated into a single, user-friendly Form A. This revamp is designed to ease the reporting process, allowing us to better understand and plan for our church's future.

Form A encompasses both statistical and financial data, all in a format that has been reworked for clarity and simplicity. The accompanying instructions are comprehensive, ensuring that you can complete the form with ease and precision.

Your contributions are vital. The information you provide through Form A helps us gauge the ELCA's vitality, understand our community's identity, and make informed decisions for the future. This data is crucial for us to spread the Gospel effectively and to be the church together in the most impactful way.

We invite you to access the electronic versions of Form A and its worksheet here. The online submission system is user-friendly and efficient, but we also honor traditional methods and accept paper submissions.

Remember, the deadline for your congregation's submission is March 1. For assistance, please reach out to the secretary's office at We extend our gratitude for your cooperation and dedication to this annual task.