Explore the Latest in Liturgical Leadership and Music with ELCA Partners

The ELCA Worship's blog post for February 8, 2024, showcases a variety of resources and events offered by Lutheran and ecumenical partner organizations. Highlights include the Institute of Liturgical Studies' conference on liturgy in consumer culture, free music compositions from Lutheran Summer Music, and the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians' educational conference. Augsburg Fortress presents liturgical resources for the Three Days of Easter, while Music that Makes Community shares practices for communal song-sharing. Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead introduces a course for lay leaders on planning worship experiences.

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Episode 1, Talks at the Desk Season 3: Black History Month video series

Welcome to Episode 1 of Talks at the Desk, season 3. Talks at the Desk is a four-part video series by African Descent Ministries of the ELCA. This season focuses on the Reclaim Gathering and will explore its themes: reclaim, embolden, embody and liberate. A new video will premiere each Wednesday in February at 6:30pm MST, 5:30pm PST, beginning 2/7/2024. Watch live at youtube.com/ELCA, and view the trailer in this post.

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Office of the Bishop Updates: 2/9/2024

Office of the Bishop staff travel the synod to preach, including the Installation of Pastor Kurt Fangmeier, at Sierra Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sierra Vista.

We also share photos from travels around the synod, including the Kino Conference Spring Gathering,at Our Savior’s Lutheran, Tucson; the Spring Gathering for Cactus, Capital, Fiesta, Northeast Valley and Rio Salado Conferences, at Living Water Church in Scottsdale, and others.

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Engaging Dialogues Await in AFN's SolidariTea for Peace and Black History Month Festival

The Arizona Faith Network's newsletter for February 7, 2024, highlights a variety of interfaith and community-oriented events. These include the SolidariTea for Interfaith Peace, Black History Month Film Festival, and webinars addressing American Christian Nationalism. The newsletter also announces the Anti-Hunger Advocacy Day and encourages faith leaders to participate in a study on racial disparities at Phoenix Sky Harbor.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For peace among nations, especially between Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine…

  • For all facing mudslides, floods, storms, and power outages in southern California…

  • For those experiencing the destruction caused by wildfires in Chile…

  • For elections and government transitions around the world, especially in Pakistan and Senegal…

  • For victims of a shooting attack in Istanbul, Turkey…

  • For those injured or killed in a factory explosion in Harda, India…

  • For those stranded by storms in China…

  • For all victims of gun violence, and for all areas of conflict in the world…

  • In thanksgiving for the gifts of BIPOC leaders in our churches and communities…

  • For the church, as we enter the spiritual disciplines and reflections of Lent…

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Embracing Justice, Kindness, and Humility: A Devotional on Leadership

In the latest devotional series from ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellows, Frances Dobbs reflects on the biblical values that should be embodied by leaders, drawing on Ephesians 3 and other scriptures. Justice, kindness, and humility are highlighted as key virtues, with the ultimate exemplar found in Christ. Dobbs underscores the importance of these values for those in authority, emphasizing that true leadership is marked by a commitment to the poor and a heart oriented towards God's justice.

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Love in deed and truth: 50 years of ELCA World Hunger

In this celebratory video, we celebrate the 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. As we reflect on our last 50 years of ministry together, we know God calls us to respond to the needs of the world now more than ever. Will you join us? Learn more at ELCA.org/WH50.

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Rally for Food Security: Arizona's Anti-Hunger Alliance Advocacy Day

Mark your calendars for a pivotal event in the fight against hunger in Arizona—the AZ Anti-Hunger Alliance Advocacy Day on February 21, 2024, at Wesley Bolin Plaza. Learn more about this event, sponsored by Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona and other members of the Arizona Anti-Hunger Alliance.

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Faith Lens: Affirmation

This week’s "Faith Lens" blog post by Rachel Larson discusses the power of affirmation, especially within the context of faith. Reflecting on personal experiences of both receiving encouragement and facing criticism, the post delves into how these interactions can impact one's sense of self and calling. It connects this concept to the Transfiguration of Jesus, where God's affirming voice declares Jesus as His beloved son, setting the stage for Jesus' mission.

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Early 2024 Advocacy Highlights: ELCA's State-by-State Efforts for Change

The ELCA Advocacy blog shares crucial updates from various State Public Policy Offices, focusing on legislative efforts across states like California, Ohio, Texas, and Washington. From budget challenges to advocacy victories and ongoing community engagement events, the updates underscore the collaborative work for justice and public policy reform.

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