Event: Living with Hunger in Nevada

Saturday, March 4, 1– 2:30pm PST, Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 2 S Pecos Rd, Henderson, NV 89074. Please email office@cslconline.org or call 702-263-0802 if you will be attending.

Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN) and Lutheran Social Services of Nevada present “Living with Hunger in Nevada.” We will share in activities to consider our attitudes about food and what it might be like to not have easy access to healthy options. Martin Malmberg from Lutheran Social Services of Nevada will be with us to share about how LSSN is making a difference.

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Celebrate International Women’s Day video

In this message to congregations, current International Women Leaders (IWL) scholarship recipients share what their scholarships mean to them and their communities. International Women’s Day is March 8. The ELCA celebrates this day by uplifting the IWL program, which provides scholarships for emerging women leaders from our companion churches around the world to study at ELCA colleges and universities, ELCA seminaries and other institutions. The following Sunday, congregations are encouraged to take a special offering for IWL. Give to IWL at: http://ELCA.org/SupportIWL

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Faith Lens: Survivors

When a building collapses, there’s an estimated 48-hour window during which trapped victims might be rescued. More generous estimates expand that to five or six days, maximum. Beyond that, the odds of survival decrease significantly. But after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey on February 6th, rescue teams were still pulling survivors from the rubble nearly 10 days later!

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/1/2023
  • For survivors, victims, and loved ones of those involved in the train crash in Greece…

  • For victims of school gas poisonings in Iran…

  • For all affected by tornados, blizzards, and other significant weather events across the United States…

  • For safety and protection for all migrants…

  • In lament over the significant death toll and casualties on both sides of the Russia/Ukraine conflict…

  • For all those forced into war, conflict, and violence; and in fervent hope that all war should cease…

  • For all affected by the COVID-19 virus in the United States and around the world, and for continued mitigation and treatment efforts…

  • For those facing food insecurity, and for compassionate policies to address hunger…

  • In thanksgiving for the contributions of women to politics, the arts, science, education, advocacy, technology, medicine, administration, and the church; especially for women serving as bishops, pastors, chaplains, and deacons…

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[re]imagine Lent: 3/1/2023

How much did Abram lose when he responded to God’s command to leave his home and family, trusting that ‘the land God would show him’ would provide a future? I imagine the grief was palpable, and the fear great. Yet, in faith, Abram did the next right thing. He took the first step, then the next, and then the next. He couldn’t see the future, didn’t know what it held, but he knew who held it.

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ISBA Youth presents its fourth annual interfaith iftar for youth

Join us as we celebrate the beginning of the upcoming month of Ramadan with an Interfaith Iftar Dinner, inviting teens of many faiths to come together in peace to learn about each other to build communities of mutual respect. Monday, 3/13/2023, 5pm, at the Islamic Center of the Northeast Valley (12125 E Vía Linda, Scottsdale, AZ 85259).

Register at isb-az.org/iftar by March 8, 2023. Contact: iftar@isb-az.org for more info.

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Cultivating Climate Justice: Tools, Hope, Theology and Spirit

Explore the economic, cultural, political, and ecological contours of the systemic crisis we face, and grow in the knowledge, skills, spiritual strength, and community that are so vital to forging the paths toward climate justice.

Register here for this event facilitated by Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Friday, March 10 - Sunday March 12, 2023.

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[re]imagine Lent: 2/28/2023

I was recently at worship and noticed that the series of stained glass windows in the sanctuary highlighted several important stories from the Hebrew scriptures. What struck me about the image of Adam and Eve in the garden was that the only things visible were their hands, and the serpent’s body was wound around them like shackles, resulting in the poignant picture of what it is to be ‘bound to sin.’

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Bishop Eaton: A pastoral message in support of our Jewish neighbors

For many months we have seen an alarming spike in anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim and white supremacist hate. It has been reported that extremist groups are planning a national "Day of Hate" tomorrow, targeting Jews. This evening, as the sun sets and Shabbat begins, our Jewish neighbors are living in fear.

As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors and to be peacemakers.

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