Cultivating Climate Justice: Tools, Hope, Theology and Spirit

Explore the economic, cultural, political, and ecological contours of the systemic crisis we face, and grow in the knowledge, skills, spiritual strength, and community that are so vital to forging the paths toward climate justice.

Register here for this event facilitated by Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center, Friday, March 10 - Sunday March 12, 2023.

Does your heart ache at the thought of climate change and what it means for your children, grandchildren, or other loved ones? Do you yearn for hope as you face the realities of climate change? Are you longing to help build a world in which God’s good garden Earth and all people may flourish? Join us for a dynamic weekend of growth in the knowledge, skills, spiritual strength, and community that are so vital to forging the paths toward climate justice. We will share stories of meaning and purpose, learn to employ five key strategies, worship, laugh together, honor grief, delight in joy, and relish the desert as space for contemplation of beauty and calling.

We are living in a planetary emergency, an era of rising waters and super storms, drought, fire and more. It is easy to fear for the future of our planet, our people. In our brief time together we will explore the economic, cultural, political, and ecological contours of the systemic crisis we face. Through in-depth discussion with interactive presentations, we will explore the scale, the pace and the implications of the crisis through multiple lenses including water, food, climate, work, democracy, race, and biocultural diversity. And we will learn what role organizers, activists, cultural creatives, and ordinary concerned people play in making those connections.


Participants will leave better motivated and equipped to actively work toward climate justice sustained by faith and community.

Retreat includes:

  • Stories and storytelling, one-to-ones, no blame or shame

  • Practical examples and work, including change on all three levels ~ structural, individual behavior, and consciousness/worldview

  • Multi-sensory engagement

  • Exposure to the global climate justice movement and resources

  • Spiritual nature of engagement and paradox in structural change

  • Building a community of support and having fun


No advance reading is expected. However, participants interested in digging in ahead of time are invited to read Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change by Jim Antal and Rooted and Rising: Voices of Courage in a Time of Climate Crisis by Margaret Bullitt-Jones and Leah Schade.

This climate justice retreat is co-sponsored by the Center for Climate Justice and Faith, Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, founding director.


Friday, March 10 ~ Our “Why” and Our Shared Learning Community

  • 3:00p Check in, free time

  • 5:30p Dinner

  • 7:00p – 8:15p Introduction to the weekend and story sharing

    • What people whom you love will be damaged by climate change and how…?

    • If your grandchild ten years from now asked, If your grandchild ten years from now asked, “What did you do when my future was being devastated by climate change?” What do you want to be able to say?

    • What do you grieve about climate change? What do you fear?

  • 8:15p Closing ritual of lament and hope

  • 8:30p Social time with shacks

Saturday, March 11 ~ Vision of a Flourishing World and How to Get There

  • 7:30a Visit the labyrinth, self-guided meditation (optional)

  • 8:00a Breakfast

  • 9:00a – 9:30a Guided Meditation, dwelling in the Word

  • 9:30a – 10:15a Climate crisis and climate justice through the eyes of climate vulnerable communities

  • 10:15a Break

  • 10:30a – 12:00p An alternative vision

    • Hearing from faith communities and front-line communities

    • Obstacles to getting there (using art, words, hearts)

      • What is blocking us as a society from moving toward that alternate vision?

      • What is blocking you or your faith community?

      • What could do to get beyond those obstacles?

  • 12:00p Lunch

  • 1:00p – 1:30p Music and Movement

  • 1:30p – 2:00p Ideas that open doors

    • Climate justice

    • Just transition

  • 2:00p – 4:30p Strategies and Toolkit

    • Change the Rules (legislative advocacy) ~ Ruth Ivory-Moore

    • Move the Money (divest/reinvest and values-based finance) ~ abby mohaupt

    • Heed the Spirit (Earth-honoring worship) ~ Lisa Dahill

    • Change the Story (rethinking human being and purpose, economic life, more)

    • Relish the Circle (global and local solidarity and community-building)

  • 4:30p – 5:30p Desert ~ Contemplate beauty and calling, find gift for sending ritual

  • 5:30p Dinner

  • 7:00p Harvesting the fruits of this day ~ Reflection and discernment regarding:

    • What the learnings from this day mean for my life

    • How I feel in response to this day and where the Spirit might be at play in those feelings

  • 8:30p Social time with shacks

Sunday, March 12 ~ Embodying Hope and Spirit

  • 7:30a Open chapel for contemplation and meditation (optional)

  • 8:00a Breakfast and Check Out

  • 9:15a Plan for action and Self-commitment form

  • 10:15 Accountability circles or triads

  • 11:00a – 11:45a Worship and sending ritual

  • 12:00p Lunch


Friday – Sunday, March 10-12, 2023


Price per person:

  • One person, private room : $460 per person

  • Two people, two in a room : $390 per person

  • Three people, three in a room : $350 per person

  • Four people, four in a room : $325 per person

  • Commuter, program and meals w/o room : $285 per person

Price includes: Three days of programming, two nights lodging and 6 meals (2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 2 dinners).

Guests may arrange with Spirit in the Desert to arrive early and depart late for an extra fee.


The retreat is facilitated by Dr. Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Professor of Theological and Social Ethics at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and Church Divinity School of the Pacific, and Director of the PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith.

Resource people participating virtually include Dr. Lisa Dahill, a professor of Christian spirituality and creation-centered faith who serves as Miriam Therese Winter Chair for Transformative Leadership and Spirituality at Hartford International University; rev. abby mohaupt, Director of Education and Training for GreenFaith who is a founder of the “green seminary” movement; and Ruth Ivory-Moore, who served as the ELCA’s Program Director for Environment and Energy and has an international reputation for expertise in sustainability policy and advocacy.