Prayers of lament for Colorado Springs violence

We share a prayer of lament from Bishop Jim Gonia and the Rocky Mountain Synod in the face of the heartbreaking shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, and lamenting the long history of violence against our LGBTQia+ siblings.

Christ our victim, whose beauty disfigured and whose body torn upon the cross; open wide your arms to embrace our tortured world, especially the victims who were injured and for the families mourn the deaths of those killed at Club Q in Colorado Springs, that we may not turn away our eyes, but abandon ourselves to your mercy. Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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Bishop Hutterer: The jar that will not empty

In our synod, we are blessed with an abundance of ministries that focus on hunger. From the advocacy work of LAMA and LEAN to the many food banks and outreach efforts of many of our ministries, we are a synod that works in many ways to end food insecurity.

During this Thanksgiving, as we are grateful for the bounties we share, I hope you find time to listen to the ways God calls you to be both the giver and receiver of bread and faith.

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DeAnna Quietwater Noriega: Who Are You!

We share this post from DeAnna Quietwater Noriega, who is half Apache and a quarter Chippewa. She is the mother of three, two daughters and an adopted blind son. She was the eldest of five children in a close–knit American Indian family. As a result of congenital glaucoma, she became totally blind at the age of eight.

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ELCA Worship News: November, 2022
Mexican professor Ángela Trejo and Polish professor Jerzy Sojka reflect on Lutheran methods of Biblical interpretation

'Scripture alone' is a known Lutheran principle. At the second Bible year webinar, two Biblical scholars reflected on how this is used in understanding the Bible.

In this post, read the Lutheran World Federation article on the distinctive ways Lutherans interpret the Bible, or view the full webinar. Or choose “both/and.”

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Hunger is a top priority for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona

Food insecurity now affects almost one in six Arizonans. We invite you to stay up to date with Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona by visiting their site at and subscribing to their weekly newsletter.

Featured on the LAMA site is a priority page on food insecurity and an entire blog category devoted to hunger. Of particular note is the recent Arizona Hunger Policy Retreat, where more than 50 hunger advocates from across the state met at Spirit in the Desert to discuss how we might collaboratively work to alleviate hunger in Arizona.

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Navajo Lutheran Mission News: Special Giving Thanks Edition

In this update from the Navajo Lutheran Mission, we hear from Executive Director Patterson Yazzie, Curriculum and Special Services Coordinator Molly Gary, and Development Director Deacon Kate Adelman.

The Hozho Café has served over 66,000 meals since the beginning of Covid-19, and their food bank in partnership with St. Mary’s distributed over 300,000 pounds of food to almost 2,000 families.

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ELCA communities grapple with the future of digital worship

Bounce around the internet for a while and you’ll catch wind of how virtual reality experiences, such as those sought in the metaverse, are supposed to change the world—and soon.

Pre-COVID-19, these conversations might not have meant much to congregations. But since the outbreak of the pandemic, which forced nearly all congregations to close their doors at some point and made “going digital” one of the only ways to connect with congregants, conversations about the digital future have taken on new meaning for the church.

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LSSN and LEAN fight hunger in Nevada

In this post, Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSN) explores hunger in Nevada, including an interview in a CBS special on food insecurity. We also explore Nevada hunger info from Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN).

Maybe you or someone you know is experiencing food insecurity? We at LSSN can help low income folks sign up for SNAP benefits. Click here to sign up.

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Taking Faith Home: A guide for faith-filled conversations

Taking Faith Home (TFH) is an annual resource that provides a weekly guide for faith-filled conversations during the church year. Here are some of its key features:

  • Based on the Revised Common Lectionary used by many congregations

  • Gives examples of each of the Four Key faith practices (caring conversations, devotions, service, and rituals and traditions)

  • Includes a weekly prayer, Bible verse, mealtime prayer, and blessing

  • Offers suggested daily Bible readings and Hymn for the week

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Hunger at the Crossroads Webinar: Health and Hunger

Hunger and health are related in complex ways. Hunger and under-nourishment can both contribute to long-term health problems, while health challenges can increase the risk of hunger through lost wages and expensive medical bills. In this webinar, we will be joined by experts from both the United States and overseas to learn more. We will also hear from leaders working to improve health in their communities and learn some effective steps that can be taken toward a just world where all are fed – and where all are healthy. Click here to register for “Health and Hunger,” Thursday, 12/1/2022, 5pm MST, 6pm PST.

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ELCA introduces refreshed brandmark

A refreshed suite of ELCA brandmarks is now available, with updated colors, fonts, layouts and Spanish versions for more flexibility in digital and print communications. Find the branding resources at

Because this is a refresh versus a rebranding, you may continue to use up current printed materials, and use the refreshed brandmark when reprinting or reordering. Update digital assets as soon as your time allows. Questions? Contact

Look for more information soon from Brian Flatgard, Director of Communications, on how to roll out this new branding in your ministry.

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ELCA, NewsBrian FlatgardComment