Ordination celebrations: 6/18/2022

Today we celebrate these ordination anniversaries:

  • Rev. Allen Cassel, who celebrates 34 years on June 18.

  • Rev. Mark Rossman, Living Water, Scottsdale, who celebrates 34 years on June 18.

  • Rev. Paul Hansen, who celebrates 33 years on June 18.

  • Rev. Glen Stadler, who celebrates 44 years on June 18.

  • Rev. Raymond Christenson, who celebrates 54 years on June 18.

  • Rev. Robert Collins, who celebrates 61 years on June 18.

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Rev. Amy E. Reumann: Quashing Replacement Theory with Irreplaceable Truth

In her sermon, my pastor lamented that “each person killed was a precious and irreplaceable child of God,” on the Sunday following the racially motivated massacre of 10 shoppers and workers at the Tops supermarket in Buffalo, N.Y. The irreplaceability of each person made in God’s image stands in marked contrast to so-called “Great Replacement” theory, the fear that stoked the White shooter’s hatred and motivation to target and gun down people of African descent.

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: June 17, 2022
Let Lutheran Campus Ministries know about your incoming students

In this post, we share a letter from our Lutheran Campus Ministries, requesting that you to send the names and contact information of all students from your congregation who are attending their respective universities.

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Diakonia sponsored summer retreat: Life of Faith Initiative

Diakonia is sponsoring a summer retreat, Life of Faith Initiative, with Rev. Dr. Craig Nessan, Professor of Theology at Wartburg Seminary. All are welcome to participate in an interactive weekend designed to equip you to live your faith every day and everywhere!

Details and registration at diakoniaaz.org. Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2022 at Our Saviour’s Lutheran in Phoenix.. Registration fee $60 includes lunch, dinner and breakfast.

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Courageous Leadership - On the Spectrum: Autism, Faith, & the Gifts of Neurodiversity

On Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 11am PDT/MST, noon MDT, ELCA Coaching welcomes author and poet Daniel Bowman, Jr., (MFA, Seattle Pacific University) who is associate professor of English at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, where he codirects the Making Literature Conference. The login information can be on the ELCA Coaching website.

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Thanks to all who made our 2022 Assembly possible

In this post, we try to thank the many people who made our return to in-person assembly possible. We apologize for anyone we’ve neglected. It’s a blessing to have so many who help us be church together at our biggest event of the year..

We start by thanking all the voting members who took the time to participate and travel for our two-day assembly, and by informing themselves on the business of our synod. Your leadership is greatly appreciated.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: June 19, 2022
  • For students of all ages, as another academic year comes to a close…

  • For new high school and college graduates, as they navigate their next steps forward…

  • For citizens of this nation, as we re-visit the events of January 6…

  • For all who gather this weekend to mark Juneteenth…
    For all victims of gun violence and race-based aggression, especially remembering the Emmanuel Nine…

  • For those affected by record heatwaves, rainfall, and extreme weather and for renewed commitment in working toward climate justice…

  • For all struggling to make ends meet amidst skyrocketing costs for daily necessities…

  • For fathers and all who offer compassionate, parental care…

  • For ELCA synod assemblies and for other denominations meeting in their respective conferences and assemblies…

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