Posts in Stories of Hope
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada seeks Santas

Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSN), is matching “Santas” (sponsors) with the wish lists from the children of LSSN clients and seniors in LSSN’s support programs.

Sponsor information must be collected no later than December 4th, and all gifts must be at LSSN by December 14th. More information will be published on our website, on our Facebook page, and through local congregations.

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Payson Warming Center: Generosity Film Festival

Throughout the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas season, we highlight submissions to the 2020 Generosity Film Festival.

This week we share the winner of the Best Community Impact Story and Best Editing Award, from Mount Cross Lutheran Church in Payson, Arizona. Their story of generosity: opening Payson's first homeless and homeless veteran warming center.

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Stories of Faith in Action go digital

ELCA Mission Support unveils a brand-new digital platform for Stories of Faith in Action, featuring content in a modern, dynamic format, mixing video and visual elements with stories to take you further into the work of Mission Support.

This site is a fantastic tool to include in your next stewardship communication or as part of your annual meeting materials.

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Selfish Generosity: Generosity Film Festival

Throughout the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas season, we highlight submissions to the 2020 Generosity Film Festival.

This week we share the winner of our Most Contagious Generosity Story Award, from Ginny Phillips, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Tucson. View in this blog post or on Vimeo.

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Thank You from the ELCA Fund for Leaders Class of 2020

The ELCA Fund for Leaders supports students of tremendous promise attending ELCA seminaries to become pastors and deacons in our church. This year, 297 students are receiving just over $2.8 million in scholarship support. In this video, many of them would like to express their thanks to you for making their scholarships possible. Learn more at

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St. Mary's Food Bank and Navajo Lutheran Mission become Agency Partners

With the help and partnership of St. Mary’s Food Bank, semi-load deliveries of food are now distributed from the Navajo Lutheran Mission campus to hungry households from miles around.

Rivaling Walmart’s contactless delivery, over 300 households were registered, loaded and drove away—or in one case, rode away!

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School begins at Navajo Mission Preparatory School

A strange school year begins at Navajo Mission Preparatory School, but they’re ready.

A partner congregation has committed to helping meet the goal of 40 Chromebooks to bridge the digital divide. A $25,000 Relief grant from No Kid Hungry extends the breakfast and lunch program to siblings. Students receive at-home delivery of food and met their teacher through the bus window.

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ELCA response to Covid in India

In India, many people who had migrated to another part of the country for work lost their jobs due to COVID-19 closures. Without income or food, many made the long journey home on foot.

As church together we are there. Lutheran Disaster Response have supported companion churches as they have distributed water and food, and opened their church doors for rest.

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Michaela Shelley: Lighthouse

Michaela Shelly writes, “Walking off of the Mass Gathering stage after speaking at the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering, I don’t think I fully understood the magnitude of what I had just done. I stood up on stage to show others how you can take some of your worst moments, such as my terminal diagnosis, and use them to help remind others they do not have to feel alone in all of this.”

In this post, read her letter and watch her heartfelt Youth Gathering talk. Read her blog here.

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