Posts in Prayers
12/31/2020 Prayer: Ask God to help us achieve our new endeavors and resolutions

New Year’s Eve A new year can offer hope and enthusiasm for starting anew, or it can bring fear and despair stirred by our human weaknesses and failures. Ask God to help us achieve our new endeavors and resolutions and reground ourselves in God’s grace, forgiveness and newness when we fall short of our expectations and goals. Ask the Spirit to help us encourage, assist and surround with grace people who stumble or whose confidence is unsteady.

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12/28/2020 Prayer: Ask the Spirit to guide us in responding to God’s call to proclaim the Gospel

Pray that we will carry forward the story and significance of Jesus and their implications for our daily actions, relationships and decisions as loved and reclaimed children of God. Ask the Spirit to guide us in responding to God’s call to proclaim the gospel, make peace, work for justice, propagate hope and serve our neighbors in need — without partiality, foot-dragging, embarrassment or expectation of reward or credit.

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12/26/2020 Prayer: Give thanks for the rich and meaningful traditions, celebrations and practices of our African American siblings and the global African community.

Beginning of Kwanzaa Kwanzaa is a weeklong celebration of African culture and traditions that stresses family, community and shared principles. Give thanks for the rich and meaningful traditions, celebrations and practices of our African American siblings and the global African community.

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12/25/2020 Prayer: Christmas Day.  Give praise and thanks for God’s boundless love, mercy and grace, revealed to the world and all humanity through the light of Jesus Christ

Christmas Day Give praise and thanks for God’s boundless love, mercy and grace, revealed to the world and all humanity through the light of Jesus Christ ― son of God, son of humanity; our source of truth, salvation, new life and wholeness.

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12/22/2020 Prayer: Remember in prayer the approximately 26 million refugees, immigrants and asylum-seekers around the world and at our borders

Remember in prayer the approximately 26 million refugees, immigrants and asylum-seekers around the world and at our borders, awaiting entry into safe, welcoming countries and communities so that they can rebuild their lives without threats of conflict, persecution, violence or economic crisis. Pray for their safety, that their spiritual, physical and emotional needs will be met, that they will find caring advocates, and that their faith and hope will be strengthened and sustained by siblings in Christ and our faith communities.

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12/21/2020 Prayer: Pray that we will be drawn to the eternal light of Christ born into the world

Winter solstice On this day with the least amount of daylight, observed as the beginning of winter, pray that we will be drawn to the eternal light of Christ born into the world — a gift for all people and all generations that illuminates God’s redemptive love for us and God’s desire and intent for how we might live together.

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12/20/2020 Prayer: Pray that we will be receptive to angels sent by God to guide us and bring us good news

Pray that we will be receptive to angels and divine beings sent by God to guide us and bring us good news, as the angel Gabriel did to Mary and Elizabeth. Pray that we will hear God’s assurance that “nothing will be impossible with God” and that our response will echo Mary’s: “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.”

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