In honor of Juneteenth, ELCA Racial Justice Ministries invited Dr. Dianne R. Browne, Ph.D., CFLE, CSE, Chair of the ELCA New Jersey Synod’s Anti-Racism Team to share some thoughts about this federal holiday that many mark as the official end of legalized human enslavement in the United States. For more information on Juneteenth, visit What Is Juneteenth? | HISTORY.
Read MoreOne of the social events that Tribal nations and organizations host that welcome non-Indigenous people to attend is a powwow. There are plenty of powwows hosted across the United States and Canada. It is likely there is one planned and hosted somewhere near you. Some of you may have attended a powwow in the past and have enjoyed the drums, singing, dancing, ceremony and food while there!
But whether you have attended a powwow in the past or have yet to attend a powwow, this presentation from the Grand Canyon Synod’s Wanda Frenchman will provide you with information and instructions on how to be a respectful and successful visitor/guest. For more information:
Read MoreWe are deeply grateful to the many individuals who have embodied the Word in their contributions to this year’s Synod Assembly. From committees and task forces to volunteers on the ground, your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing our vision to life. Visit our thank you page to discover all the wonderful people who helped us embody the Word at our 2024 assembly.
A special thank you goes to our voting members. Your commitment to travel, engage, and participate in the complex business of the church is invaluable, especially in this year of a Bishop election. Your willingness to serve, your discerning voices, and your passion for our mission have been vital in shaping the direction of our church. This Assembly’s success is a testament to your meaningful contributions and active participation. Y’all truly embody the Word!
Read MoreThe Grand Canyon Synod Assembly convened Thursday through Saturday, June 13–15, 2024, at Love of Christ Lutheran Church in Mesa under the theme, “Embody the Word.”
You can view photos of the assembly here, and watch the entire assembly here.
Read MoreIn this episode of the Pivot podcast, Rev. Clara King discusses how small, rural churches can empower laypeople, with the church's "edges" driving innovation and collaborative ministry.
Read MoreJoin Ascension Lutheran Church in Paradise Valley, AZ, for their Indoor Fixture Sale on June 28th and 29th from 7 AM to 11 AM. Discover a wide range of quality fixtures that offer both style and functionality, perfect for any home. This event supports Ascension’s community missions and provides a great opportunity to connect with fellow Lutherans in the Grand Canyon Synod. Don’t miss out on finding unique items that enhance your space while supporting a good cause! Ascension is at 7100 N. Mockingbird Lane, Paradise Valley, AZ.
Read MoreFund for Leaders and the ELCA invite you to join our online discernment groups starting July 1. Designed for those curious about seminary or church leadership, these groups serve as a platform for exploring your spiritual calling. Register at or contact Rostered ministers interested in leading can reach out to Discover your path in a supportive community of faith leaders.
Read MoreOur June 2024 ELCA Mission Support Memo takes us back to U.P. Wild Church, in Northern Great Lake Synod: “a spiritual home for the seekers of beauty, wonder, & awe; where the ‘church goers’ supplement their journey and the ‘misfits’ finally feel connected within the congregation of paper birch trees & squawking geese via the Mystery which creates all things.”
Additionally find free access to ELCA Stewardship recordings on “The Spirituality of Capital Campaigns,” “Creating a Year-Round Stewardship Calendar,” “Narrative Budget Construction,” “Donor Motivations” or “Four Mindset Shifts” which are perfect for stewardship teams wanting to do some continuing education or for councils curious about what’s happening in the realm of stewardship.
Read MoreLutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) shares an article after having had the pleasure of visiting several churches and feeding ministries in Tucson! They want to use their blog to help share the stories of various ministries around our synod, both to celebrate ELCA World Hunger’s 50th anniversary, and to foster connections between people doing God’s good work. Stay tuned over the coming weeks to hear more about ministries in Tucson and around the state!
Read MoreThis week we celebrate the ordination anniversaries of:
Rev. Michael Johnson, who celebrates 37 years on June 21.
Rev. Roger Thompson, who celebrates 43 years on June 21.
Rev. Joseph Carucci, who celebrates 63 years on June 21.
Rev. Terry Pletkovich, who celebrates 43 years on June 21.
Rev. John Sersland, who celebrates 43 years on June 21.
Rev. Nancy Milleville, Our Savior’s, Mesa, who celebrates 44 years on June 21.
Rev. Michael Girlinghouse, LCM Canterbury, Flagstaff, who celebrates 37 years on June 21.
Rev. Sarah Upham-Birdsall, who celebrates 22 years on June 22.
Rev. Matthew Dobyns, ELCA, Chicago, who celebrates 16 years on June 22.
Rev. Gary Hess, who celebrates 47 years on June 22.
Rev. Duane Peterson, who celebrates 66 years on June 22.
Rev. Andrew Schlecht, Maricopa, Maricopa, who celebrates 16 years on June 22.
Rev. Glenn Zimbelman, who celebrates 40 years on June 24.
Rev. Scott Hove, Good Samaritan, Las Vegas, Good Sam at The Lakes, Las Vegas, who celebrates 29 years on June 25.
Rev. Paul Overvold, who celebrates 46 years on June 25.
Rev. Dennis Hagstrom, who celebrates 47 years on June 25.
Rev. John Geske, Mayo, Scottsdale, who celebrates 36 years on June 26.
Rev. David Towers, who celebrates 48 years on June 27.
We thank everyone who helped us with our Grand Canyon Synod Assembly. The Office of the Bishop takes the next few weeks to put our house back in order and prepare to create new possibilities.
Read MoreThe Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer was reelected June 14 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod. Information about the Grand Canyon Synod is available at
Read MoreMark your calendar for Sunday, Sept. 8, when congregations of the ELCA will join together for our annual day of service, “God’s work. Our hands.”
Participating in service projects is one way to celebrate who we are as the ELCA — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
Read MoreThe Rev. Vivian J. Davila, Bayamon, Puerto Rico, was elected June 8 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Caribbean Synod. Information about the Caribbean Synod is available at
Read MoreThe Rev. Martin R. Halom, Bloomer, Wis., was elected June 8 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin. Information about the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin is available at
Read MoreHave you heard the phrase, “May you live in interesting times?” Many would say we live in uncertain times, with a world experiencing war and famine, the stress and lingering effects of the pandemic. But Bishop Eaton reminds us that as people of the Resurrection we also live in hope. God’s love sustains us even in the most difficult times. We live in interesting times because God’s love is always real.
Read MoreThe Rev. Timothy M. Graham, Fort Wayne, Ind., was elected June 8 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod. Information about the Indiana-Kentucky Synod is available at
Read MoreThis summer, engage with your faith through music at a series of Lutheran music events. Highlights include Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinics in five U.S. cities and the Lutheran Summer Music Academy at Valparaiso University, featuring over 30 public concerts. Additionally, Music that Makes Community offers community singing workshops, embodying our commitment to faith, music, and community. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey through music and read more at ELCA Worship’s monthly blog post.
Read MoreThe Rev. Nathan D. Pipho, Worcester, Mass., was elected June 7 to serve a six-year term as bishop of the New England Synod. Information about the New England Synod is available at
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