Posts in Letters
Bishop Eaton: Greetings from the Vatican

Bishop Eaton greets us from the Vatican, where, promoting Christian unity, she participated in Lutheran World Federation meetings with the pontifical council and Pope Francis. As we gather in our own congregations, the bishop asks us to remember that we are part of a large Lutheran family and an even larger Christian one.

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ELCA & LIRS: World Refugee Day letter

With so many lives in danger, we will continue to honor the Lutheran legacy of generous and compassionate welcome for those who seek refuge in our communities. How would we respond if the refugee on our doorstep were Jesus himself? As Jesus taught, “Just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40).

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University of Arizona Lutheran Campus Ministry 2021 Update

As our world fundamentally shifted this year, so did our campus ministry! Our U of A students completed about 95% of their classwork online—-which often left them isolated and exhausted by screen time.

Therefore, we shifted our programming to shorter discussion groups online about various faith topics AND added Thursday “take-out/patio” dinners. The beautiful Arizona weather allowed for socially-distanced outdoor meals the entire year and our new community to thrive.

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Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary 2021 Update

Thank you for being a ministry partner! Your prayers, direct synod gifts, and encouraging your leaders to go to seminary are all ways you participate with us in the important mission of equipping future pastors, deacons, and non-rostered faith leaders for the work they are called to do in congregations, hospitals, schools, community organizations, and more.

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Mission Investment Fund 2021 update

During the year-long pandemic, MIF provided assistance to investors who needed immediate access to their funds and to borrowers who needed flexibility with their loan payments. Their update is full of stories, videos, and investment information.

We collaborated with our ministry partner, the ELCA Federal Credit Union, to offer expedited loans for congregations, ministries and individuals, as well as Paycheck Protection Program loans for congregations and ministries to keep employees on the payroll and continue operations.

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