Posts in Grand Canyon Synod
Training Opportunity: Revitalizing your congregation's preaching ministry

If your congregation is open to a more collaborative preaching model (perhaps even developing a cadre of lay preachers), consider this opportunity with the Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannan (preaching professor at PLTS in Berkeley, CA). Congregational teams consisting of 4-5 lay people and a rostered minister who will journey through the program together, which runs April through June of 2023.

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National Fund for Sacred Places is now accepting applications

The National Fund for Sacred Places is a grant-making program that provides capital grants ranging from $50,000 to $250,000+ as well as wrap-around support services to congregations undertaking once-in-a-generation preservation projects. To learn more, visit

View an introductory webinar on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST to learn more about the National Fund for Sacred Places and whether your sacred place (or the sacred places in your community or judicatory) may qualify. Register here!

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The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Join Bishop Hutterer along with other Arizona judicatory heads for the statewide celebration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU) 2023. This Prayer Service will be held Friday, January 20, 2023 to celebrate the Annual WPCU, and we are delighted to welcome everyone back to our first in-person gathering in 3 years.

Arizona’s statewide gathering for the celebration will take place at 6:00 p.m. Friday, January 20, 2023, at Phillips Memorial Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, 1401 E. Adams St., Phoenix, AZ 85034.

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Rev. Steven Holm: Reflections on Race and Caste

In the winter of 1959, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his wife, Coretta, came to India for a month-long stay as guests of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. He had long wanted to visit the land of Gandhi, the man he considered to be the father of nonviolent protest.

According to Isabel Wilkerson, author of the book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, Dr. King was taken to visit high school students who came from Untouchable families. There he received the following introduction from the principal. “Young people, I would like to present to you a fellow untouchable from the United States of America.”

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PTLS hosts events for folks in discernment

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary (PLTS) is hosting three events for folks in discernment. Find info here or click a link below:

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