Posts in ELCA
Rostered ministers invited to participate in PRRI survey on U.S. religious leadership

Rev. Louise Johnson, Executive for Administration with the ELCA, invites rostered ministers to participate in a survey being conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Duke Endowment. The survey, open through November 2022, is part of a major national study on the health and future flourishing of mainline Protestant clergy and churches.

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ELCA, NewsBrian FlatgardComment
Welcome to “Where Your Heart Is,” ELCA's new stewardship newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of “Where Your Heart Is,” the new stewardship newsletter of the ELCA (subscribe here).

In the coming months and years, I hope we not only dig into some of the things valued in our lives, both personal and collective, but also highlight the important and honest fact that all of life is an act of stewardship, from our first breath to our last. How do we use our days?

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YAGM applications are now open

The ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is ready for new volunteers! Applications are now open, and you can invite young adults on this journey abroad for the 2023-2024 program year.

If you know young adults aged 21 to 29, this is the time to reach out. Encourage them to apply for YAGM by the deadline of Feb.1, 2023. (Priority deadline is Jan. 15, 2023.) YAGM volunteers will begin in August 2023. Learn more at

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Courageous Leadership: PTSD and Companionship

Join ELCA Coaching every Wednesday at noon MST, 11am PST, as we practice Courageous Leadership. Log in info is on the ELCA Coaching website.

Join us on Wednesday, November 9, 2922, as we hear from Rev. Adam Stockton regarding his personal experience with PTSD, recommendations for companionship, and how it has changed the way he leads and teaches (and more recently, how he coaches).

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Worship resources for Veterans Day

A worship resource for Veterans Day includes prayers, hymn suggestions, and other ideas. Both PDF and Word versions are available at

The resources may be used and adapted as needed for Veterans Day observances or in weekly worship on the Sunday closest to November 11. To learn more about caring for returning veterans, resources are available from the ELCA Federal Chaplaincy Ministries.

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Worship Resources for a National Election

The ELCA provides this PDF resource, provided to assist congregations in this time surrounding a national election. The readings, prayers, and assembly song suggestions could be used in settings such as prayer vigils, as part of Morning or Evening Prayer, as part of regular weekly worship in the weeks preceding or following an election, or devotions at home or in other settings.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: 11/6/2022
  • For the global missionaries of our church, including pastors, educators, medical personnel, and Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM)…

  • For our nation’s veterans, all who have experienced the violence of war, and those who strive for peace…
    For an end to the continued war in Ukraine and all places of war and conflict…

  • For those injured and those grieving loss of life in the aftermath of the tragic Halloween festivities in Seoul, South Korea…

  • For those grieving loss of life following the bridge collapse in Morbi, Gujarat, India…

  • For our national and local elections and those who will be elected to public office this week…

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Bishop Eaton: Christians against Christian Nationalism

Christian Nationalism identifies human-made governments as lockstep with God’s will and seeks to privilege Christians, typically only white Christians. This type of ideology is not only dangerous but distorts the difference between holding government accountable to God as opposed to identified strictly with God’s will. We must stand against Christian Nationalism and as that you join us in signing the petition and sharing your stance by visiting the Christians Against Christian Nationalism site.

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New Horizons for Episcopal-Lutheran Relations

2022 marks two decades of full communion between the ELCA and The Episcopal Church—a pioneering decision for Christians in the United States that now bears fruit in about two hundred ministry sites including combined church plants, shared facilities, joint camping ministries and governmental advocacy, food pantries, campus ministries, archival work, very regular exchange of pastoral care and preaching, and collaboration in educational initiatives.

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Church closures yield growth

We recognize the wisdom of Ecclesiastes when it comes to the life cycles of all living beings. As individuals, we know our lives will end someday. But it’s often more difficult to accept the reality that all human organizations, including our congregations, have life spans as well.

A 2021 study by the Center for Analytics, Research & Development and Data, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, found that, during the previous decade, between 3,850 and 7,700 U.S. congregations closed each year, or 75 to 150 per week. Some who study church trends believe the pace will quicken in the wake of the pandemic.

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Hunger at the Crossroads Webinar: Conflict and Hunger

Violent conflict is one of the most significant drivers of hunger around the world. From wars between nations to ethnic and tribal violence, conflicts affect farms, markets, jobs, housing, trade and more. In this webinar, we will hear from ELCA staff from around the world, who will help us dive more deeply into the tragic and significant ways violent conflict impacts hunger. Click here to register for “Conflict and Hunger,” Thursday, 11/3/2022, 11am MST/PDT, noon MDT.

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