Posts in ELCA
Double your impact to end hunger

Through Dec. 31, 2021, every gift made to ELCA World Hunger will be matched, dollar for dollar, until we reach $75,000! Will you give today?

The ministry of ELCA World Hunger is ready to respond to ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, participating creatively and courageously in the renewing work God is doing — even in the most difficult times. In 60 countries including the United States, ELCA World Hunger is working to end hunger and poverty.

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Faith Lens: Alpine Angels of Grace

Seeking safety, refuge, and opportunities for a better life, people fleeing conflict and oppression in various parts of the world sometimes brave the extreme hardships of crossing the Alps from Italy into France. Some of them perish in the effort. All are wary of encountering hostile border patrols intent on repelling their movement. Lately, however, some migrants have been astonished to encounter a different sort of presence in the Alps.

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The Journal of Lutheran Ethics: 2020-2021, A Retrospective

As the secular year draws to a close and the new church year opens into the season of Advent it seems a fitting moment to take a pause and to reflect on the turbulent last two years. This issue of JLE, therefore, is not introducing a new topic but is instead drawing together some of the articles previously published on three issues that loom large this December: Climate Change, COVID 19, and Possibilities for Dialogue. Read more.

In addition, check out their new 2022 Call for Papers here. Read the current issue.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: December 26, 2021
  • For continued relief and recovery efforts after tornadoes and storms…

  • For those separated from loved ones and congregations revising and canceling plans in order to stay healthy during this season of Covid…

  • For all approaching a new year with hope and optimism…

  • For all who struggle with addiction, disordered eating, or body image…

  • For healthcare workers and support staff in their second pandemic winter…

  • For the very young and all others who are unable to access or receive vaccines…

  • For everyone who envisioned this holiday season differently than how it turned out…

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Song sung for climate justice critical for people of faith

“Attending the most recent annual UN climate change conference in Glasgow, COP26, was great for the ELCA living out its public witness and social teachings. Our ELCA delegation was diverse and included frontline people – folks most impacted by climate change,” said Ruth Ivory-Moore, ELCA program director for environment and Corporate Social Responsibility. Hear also from Lutheran leaders who give us a sense of what it meant to be there.

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Remembering the Children: Feast of the Holy Innocents

In July of 2021, the American Indian/Alaska Native Lutheran Association (AIANLA) asked the whole ELCA to remember and lament the children who died in Indian boarding schools in the United States and residential schools in Canada.

As the church observes the Feast of the Holy Innocents*, the Saint Paul Area Synod, the Minneapolis Area Synod, and the Advocates for Racial Equity offer this service of prayer and lament (on Vimeo) for use by individuals and congregations.

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Migration Policy: Hunger Policy Podcast December 2021

Saturday, December 18, was International Migrants Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to raise awareness and focus attention on the 281 million people around the world where are on the move, in search of peace, stability, security and an opportunity for new life. In 2020, more than 3.6% of people around the world were migrants.

In this podcast, Giovana Oaxaca, the ELCA’s program director for migration policy, joins Ryan Cumming of ELCA World Hunger to talk about the realities of migration and immigration policy.

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Advent 2021: Week Four Study Guide and Children’s Sermon

We are nearing the end of Advent and the start of that special holiday, Christmas. In the United States, stores have been filled with seasonal music for six months now (it feels that way, at least), garlands and lights are draped over homes and lampposts, and pine trees are adorned with baubles of all shapes and sizes. In many countries, Christmas markets have taken over city squares. As the old carol says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: December 19, 2021
  • For relief and recovery efforts after tornadoes and storms, and for all left scared and grieving…

  • For the work of emergency responders and relief agencies, including Lutheran Disaster Response…

  • For the peace of Jerusalem, and throughout the Middle East…

  • For all who are facing a first Christmas without someone they love…

  • For all celebrating the holidays with a new perspective, new job, new home, or new family…

  • For musicians, volunteers, and lay leaders who enable and enhance our celebration of the incarnation…

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Faith Lens: Magnifying Lens

Chances are you are looking at these words on a screen or that you looked at them on a screen prior to printing them out. According to a study released by the JAMA Pediatrics in November 2021, screen time for teenagers has increased during the pandemic from 3.8 hours per day to 7.7 hours per day. The 7.7 hours per day is for recreation (gaming and videos) and social interaction (social media and texting). That does not include online schooling, which can represent another 5-7 hours per day.

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Now's the time to apply for Young Adults in Global Mission

After a two-year pause, the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is preparing to send volunteers out into the world again! Applications are now open, and you can invite young adults on this journey abroad for the 2022-2023 program year.

Encourage them to apply for YAGM by the deadline of Feb.1, 2022. (Priority deadline is Jan. 15, 2022.) Learn more at

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WELCA Blue Christmas service

Bring your grief, fear and loss to WELCA’s second annual Blue Christmas service via Zoom, Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2021 at 6pm MST, 5pm PST.

As a community of women, we have committed ourselves to promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. We will gather for prayer, reflection, and quiet music on the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere—the Winter Solstice—December 21. Register now to participate in the Blue Christmas Service.

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#MYLE2022: Cultural Awareness

We are very excited to see you next July for the 2022 Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and happy that we get to lead the brand new MYLE team called Cultural Awareness.

We have heard stories about microaggressions and other harms that have happened at past MYLEs. These stories break our hearts, and we are working hard to help people do better and for everyone to have a better experience at MYLE, in their faith communities and in the world.

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Tornado disaster response

Lutheran Disaster Response is collaborating with the Indiana-Kentucky Synod and other partners in the area to assess the damage and develop an immediate and a long-term response plan. Your gifts to support these response efforts will empower our partners to meet survivors’ immediate and long-term needs.

Your gifts to “U.S. Tornadoes” will be used in full (100%) to help people impacted by the tornadoes until the response is complete.

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Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: December 12, 2021
  • For all who lack warm shelter or adequate clothing…

  • For all impacted by inclement weather and severe winter storms…

  • For all experiencing loneliness or exacerbated grief this holiday season…

  • For the moments of joy and hope that illumine the shadows of our soul…

  • For victims of gun violence…

  • For rescue and recovery efforts following the eruption of Mount Semeru in Indonesia…

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