Posts in Bishop Hutterer
Bishop Hutterer: Creating Space for Conversations

In turbulent times, our shared faith is both a source of solace and a beacon, guiding us towards the path of understanding and unity. With our nation grappling with all sorts of divisions, it is vital that we seek not to fight one another, but rather to engage in open and compassionate dialogue.

This comes after recent events have left our hearts heavy. Reports of church burnings in Southern Arizona, protests at our churches that openly welcome LGBTQIA+ members, and ongoing racial tensions nationally have underscored the urgent need for us to live out our call to be peacemakers and bridge builders.

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Bishop Hutterer Annual Report: May, 2023

To all of you — lay leaders, rostered ministers, prayer partners — thank you for your commitment to the synod's work, which forms part of God's redeeming activity in our world. It continues to be my privilege to serve alongside you as the bishop of this synod. As we move forward, let us remain bold in our faith, trusting in God's guidance and love.

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Bishop Hutterer: An Invitation to Boldness

The Synod Assembly is an essential occasion for us to come together, not just as individuals or separate congregations, but as the body of Christ. Our gathering is a time to reconnect, to learn from one another, to share our struggles and triumphs, and to discern the path forward in unity and faith. It is during these meetings that we are reminded that we are not alone, but part of a larger, dynamic community of believers, bound together by our common faith and mission.

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Bishop Hutterer: Streams in the Desert

We are the Grand Canyon Synod, our namesake formed by the waters of the Colorado River. As citizens of the Southwest commemorating Earth Day 2023, we are keenly aware of the preciousness of water and the need to preserve this life-giving resource.

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LEAN and Bishop Hutterer attend Nevada legislature

Representatives from Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN) gathered in Carson City, along with Bishop Hutterer, who delivered the invocation in both the Senate and the Assembly. Nevada's legislature meets in odd-numbered years for 120 consecutive days beginning the first Monday in February. Find photos and video in this post.

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Bishop Hutterer: From worry to wonder

As we move through our Lenten journey into Holy Week, I find myself thinking of the theme of our spring gatherings: From Worry to Wonder. 

The journey of the church involves becoming something new, not returning to the past. The path forward is to move together, exploring worries and shifting from a posture of worry to a posture of wonder.

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