The Office of the Bishop Staff travels the synod to visit congregations and leaders, and attends the Installation of Rev. Mari Larson at St. Andrew Lutheran in Las Vegas, Mar 9, 2025, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM. We also share a photo from our recent in-person staff meeting.
Read MoreWe are called not only to personal reflection but also to communal action—to live as people of grace, serving our neighbors and embodying Christ’s love. This Lent, let us consider how our thoughts, words, and deeds shape the world around us. In a time when political and social divisions run deep, may we be mindful of how we use our voices—not to cut each other down, but to build up, to witness to the hope we share in Christ.
Let us be bold and courageous in speaking for justice, compassionate in amplifying voices often unheard, and steadfast in proclaiming God’s grace through actions that heal and reconcile.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff gathers for an in-person staff meeting and prepares for our synod assembly in June.
Read MoreA big thanks to the 75 rostered ministers who have submitted their rostered minister reports! Reports are due by March 1, 2025 and are an opportunity to connect directly with Bishop Hutterer. All submissions will be carefully reviewed, and each minister will receive a personal response. Forms are available online or as downloadable Word documents. Visit for full details.
Read MoreBishop Hutterer has recorded a special invitation video encouraging participation in the 2025 Lenten Challenge! This friendly, faith-deepening challenge connects us in daily spiritual practices while supporting safe drinking water efforts at the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission (NELM) in Rock Point, AZ. Watch the video, share it with your congregation, and join the challenge today! Download options are available on our Vimeo page.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff attends to daily operations and attends the Installation of Rev. Charles Newman at King of Glory Lutheran in Tempe, Feb 23, 2025, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM. We also share photos from Shane Claiborne at New Spirit Lutheran in Tucson: Addressing Poverty Through Faith and the Ordination and Installation of Wendi Van Beek at Our Saviour's Lutheran in Tucson.
Read MoreRostered ministers, it’s time to complete your annual Report to the Bishop! Reports are due by March 1, 2025 and are an opportunity to connect directly with Bishop Hutterer. All submissions will be carefully reviewed, and each minister will receive a personal response. Forms are available online or as downloadable Word documents. Visit for full details.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff prepares for the synod assembly in June, the Churchwide Assembly in late July, and attends the Ordination and Installation of Wendi Van Beek at Our Saviour's Lutheran in Tucson, Feb 19, 2025, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM.
Read MoreRostered ministers, it’s time to complete your annual Report to the Bishop! Reports are due by March 1, 2025 and are an opportunity to connect directly with Bishop Hutterer. All submissions will be carefully reviewed, and each minister will receive a personal response. Forms are available online or as downloadable Word documents. Visit for full details.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff will be there with you at Lutheran Day at the AZ Legislature 2025, Feb 10, 2025, 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM, and don’t forget about Lutheran Lobby Day: Advocate for Justice in Nevada, Feb 10, 2025, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. We’ll also see you at various congregations as we visit and preach. We share photos from Bishop Hutterer’s visit to celebrate the 50th anniversary celebration of American Lutheran Church in Sun City.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff gathers for an in-person staff meeting and travels the synod to preach and celebrate with congregations.
Read MoreThis week, ELCA Region 2 leaders respond to a recent presidential declaration limiting gender identity to a binary framework. Reflecting on Galatians 3:28 and the ELCA’s 2019 social statement, they affirm the inherent diversity of God’s creation, celebrate all gender expressions, and call for advocacy against discrimination. This letter underscores our shared identity in Christ and invites prayer for those affected by these harmful statements. Read the full letter and join us in standing for justice and inclusion.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff strides into 2025 with synod assembly planning and reaching out to leaders and congregations across the synod.
Read MoreOn Martin Luther King Day, faith leaders from Nevada, including Bishop Deborah Hutterer, called on political leaders to support humane immigration reform. Their published letters emphasize justice, compassion, and dignity for immigrants. Read the full messages and learn how you can support their advocacy efforts.
En el Día de Martin Luther King, líderes religiosos de Nevada, incluida la Obispa Deborah Hutterer, llamaron a los líderes políticos a apoyar una reforma migratoria humana. Sus cartas publicadas destacan la justicia, la compasión y la dignidad para los inmigrantes. Lea los mensajes completos y descubra cómo apoyar sus esfuerzos de abogacía.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff attends various congregations and meetings across the synod, including Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration of Diversity @ King of Glory, Tempe, and in Las Vegas (Jan 19, 2025, 3-5pm) and the of Prayer for Christian Unity Service in Tucson, Jan 23, 2025, 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
Read MoreJoin us on January 23, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity! Hosted at the Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, this statewide ecumenical service will feature Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger and Grand Canyon Synod Bishop Deborah Hutterer. Gather with Christians of all traditions to reflect on John 11:26 and pray for unity. Learn more and help spread the word! Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 resources are available from the World Council of Churches here.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop Staff attends and prepares for a flurry of events and meetings in January.
Read MoreIn this Christmas message, the bishops and synod vice presidents of Region 2 reflect on Howard Thurman’s poem, “The Work of Christmas,” calling us to embrace God’s grace and live out Christ’s liberating love. Representing over 500 congregations, they invite us to join in justice, service, and joy, embodying the good news of Christ in our communities and the world.
Read MoreHappy New Year from the Office of the Bishop! As we step into 2025, we thank you for your faithful service and the countless ways you share Christ’s love throughout the Grand Canyon Synod. We are blessed to journey together and look forward to all that God has in store for us in the year ahead.
This week Bishop Hutterer travels to Puerto Rico for the Bishop’s Academy, and the staff enters 2025 on the ground and running.
Read MoreArizona’s Christian leaders have issued a powerful statement calling for immigration reform that upholds human dignity and family unity. They denounce unjust deportation practices, including raids on churches and other critical locations, and call on law enforcement to act with conscience. Grounded in Gospel values, the leaders urge us all to see the image of God in every human being and advocate for a fair and humane immigration system. Read the full statement to learn how our faith compels us to stand with the vulnerable.
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