Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Your Call to Action: Participate in the ELCA's Future Church Initiative

Dear siblings in Christ,

You may have recently seen the new video from Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton — Future Church: God's Love Made Real. We have an unprecedented opportunity to learn about our church — to listen to and learn from YOU! Will you lend us your voice?

We want to learn more about our church, about what is strong and good, and about where we need to grow in Christ together. This information will help us learn how to better serve our congregations, synods, ministry partners and the world around us. It will help us lean into the vision and do our part in creating a world experiencing the difference God's grace and love in Christ make for all people and creation. But we need your voice to do it. We need the voices of your colleagues and friends.

There are two distinct opportunities for you to lend your voice to the future of our church:

  1. Take the survey.

  2. Watch for opportunities to participate in a listening group.

We hope you will do both, but if you have to choose, please do the survey and encourage those around you to do the same.

These two steps will help us become "Future Church: God's Love Made Real" and move together, as a church, in the directions the Spirit is calling us to go.


Louise Johnson
Executive for Administration, Office of the Presiding Bishop