Wellspring in the Desert Retreat: A Call to Be Whole

Reflect, rest and renew, and connect with God, self and one another in this spiritual wholeness retreat focusing on the multi-dimensional elements of wellness. Friday-Wednesday, Feb. 10-15, 2023. Learn more & register.

We are called to live as whole and holy people of God. As a participant in this six-day, five-night Desert Sojourn Retreat, you will gather in community, and grow in your journey toward wholeness.

Each day, you will explore a different dimension of spiritual well-being: spiritual, vocational, intellectual, emotional, physical, social, and financial well-being. You and your facilitators will create intentional space to reflect, rest and renew, and connect with God, self and one another. The rhythm of each day will offer time to learn together, reflect and explore. 

Besides each day's spiritual wellness theme, retreat highlights include:

  • Desert walk led by an experienced botanist

  • Fabulous Super Bowl party

  • Festive Valentine's Day dinner

  • Desert stargazing with Carefree Dark Sky Initiative founder

  • Worship and quiet time for art, journaling, reading, meditating

  • Yoga, movement, stretching, walking

  • Lots of music, lots of free time, lots of laughter

Retreat facilitators and cosponsors are Tammy Devine of Devine Coaching and Andrea Arey of Portico Benefit Services.

While the desert is a dry space, this wellspring seeks to create space to quench the thirst of our souls.

Commuters welcome!

Tammy Devine is a Professional Certified Coach (ICF Certified), retreat facilitator, and ELCA Deacon—passionate about health, healing, and wholeness. As Principal of Devine Coaching, Tammy is a strategic and systemic whole person promoter of well-being, through education and inspiration. She collaborates with thought leaders to facilitate and motivate whole person lifestyle choices and serves as an external wellness consultant and coach to integrate well-being.

Andrea Arey is Portico Benefit Services‘ Regional Representative in the Western United Statues (Region 2). As such, Andrea’s position provides sponsors and members with information, education, and support to those who serve in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and other faith based organizations. Andrea encourages wellness in all aspects of the Wholeness Wheel and looks for opportunities to teach and assist those she serves in leading healthy lives and achieving financial security.