Well wishes for Marisa Cervantes, LSSN Partnerships and Funding Director

In their August newsletter, Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSN) bids farewell to Marisa Cervantes, who has been with LSSN for almost ten years and helped launch many of their cornerstone projects.

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Well Wishes, Marisa!

We are both happy and sad to announce that our Partnerships and Funding Director, Marisa Cervantes, has accepted an opportunity to work with another nonprofit in our community. While we are sad that Marisa will no longer be part of LSSN’s staff, we are happy and so proud that she will be continuing to serve our Las Vegas community by helping one of our nonprofit partners grow!

When Marisa joined our team nearly ten years ago, we had no idea what an amazing impact she would have on our organization. Although she was initially hired as an Intake Coordinator, Marisa quickly became integral to our organization and was promoted to managing our pantry and other programs. After several years, she was promoted again to be our Partnerships and Funding Director, handling our grant writing and reporting as well as being the liaison for many of our cherished community partnerships. Marisa has been instrumental in launching many of LSSN’s cornerstone services, including writing the grants for our Heart of the City Senior Meal Program and our CCHIP Program, which currently provides case management and housing support for 60 families in our community. She wrote the proposals for our NWP-funded DigiMart expansion and a $1.8 million CDBG-funded facility expansion, which will double our building’s square footage in the next few years. We would not be the LSSN we are today without her, and we are excited to see her bring her skills and experience to another organization to make them great, just like she did for LSSN.

In the words of our Executive Director, Armena, “This is a celebration and not an unhappy event. I am sending her and asking God to be with her and bless her while she is working hard to make the new organization greater!”

Thank you, Marisa, for your years of love and dedication to LSSN. You will always be a member of our family!