Watch Dr. Ryan Cumming’s presentation on world hunger from the LAMA summit

Dr. Ryan Cumming, Program Director for ELCA World Hunger, was the keynote speaker for the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA) Summit on Saturday, November 7. Dr. Ryan spoke knowledgeable and passionately about (1) how Lutherans' baptismal call ties in with politics and advocacy, and why people of faith need to care about this subject; (2) how Lutherans use their faith to make a difference in the world; (3) how Lutherans connect to hunger, specifically, beyond food pantries and funds; and (4) the state of world hunger and barriers to food security globally.

“We Come to the Hungry Feast” was Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona’s first state-wide gathering of advocates and friends since Arizona’s advocacy office opened in February, 2020. The event featured addresses by Dr. Ryan Cumming, Program Director for ELCA World Hunger and Angie Rogers, President and CEO of Arizona Food Bank Network.

Dr. Ryan Cumming’s presentation on world hunger and barriers to food security globally was informative and engaging, leaving all who participated educated, and energized for the work ahead. Cumming was thoughtful and deep, leaning in to Lutherans’ connection to advocacy, and expanding on our baptismal covenant to follow the example of Jesus by loving our neighbor and striving for justice and peace in all the world. The 18-minute address can be an excellent resource for congregational education.

Contact our office for additional resources on hunger, or to discuss more ways your congregation can learn about this important topic. Watch and share this video. Well worth it.