Statements of intent for Mission Support in 2022 are due February 15, 2022

Your valuable partnership through your mission support to the Grand Canyon Synod meant we were able to do many amazing things in 2021. You can read about these achievements in this post.

Your statements of intent (PDF statement of intent in English, PDF statement of intent in Spanish) are due 2/15/2022. Thank you for your gifts and partnership as we are church together for the sake of the world.

Beloved in Christ,

What an amazing year we had in 2021. Your valuable partnership through your mission support to the Grand Canyon Synod meant we were able to:

  • Nurture young adults’ faith and train new leaders through 3 Lutheran Campus Ministries (ASU, UA, NAU), California Lutheran University, and Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.

  • Feed the hungry and served our neighbors in need through our ministries of Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and Nevada and Lutheran Disaster Relief.

  • Provide $152,037 in project and holy innovation grants to 23 ministries and congregations to do outreach and ministry in their communities.

  • Pr. Jacqui Pagel and the candidacy committee accompanied 19 candidates for word and sacrament and word and service.

These are just a few highlights of the amazing work your Synod office was able to do for the sake of the Gospel because of your generosity. Thank you for your faithfulness.

As you vote on your congregation’s budget for 2022, we ask you to prayerfully consider increasing your Mission Support. Your generosity allows us to be communities together in Christ for the sake of a broken world by partnering with the wider church and joining your giving with that of over 9,300 other congregations across the ELCA.

On this page is the statement of intent for your congregation’s plan for Mission Support in 2022. Your continuing commitment allows us to communicate Jesus, connect people, and create possibilities. It is vital for us to receive this information in your synod office so that we can plan our work together for 2022. After completing this form, please return it to our office at or by regular mail by February 15, 2022.

Your generosity makes all these things possible. Thank you for your gifts and partnership as we are church together for the sake of the world.

In Christ,


The Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer

Rev. Miguel F. Gomez-Acosta
Director for Evangelical Mission