Register for the 2021 Diakonia graduation

All members of the Grand Canyon Synod are invited to participate in the Diakonia Graduation, June 11, 2021, 5 pm MST/PDT. Congratulations to our 12 graduates!

Register for the Diakonia graduation here. Registration is required this year to be a part of the graduation service, and is a separate registration from the synod assembly.

Rev. Jacqui Pagel, our Diakonia liaison, will lead the service with Bishop Deborah Hutterer. Since we are still not able to meet in person, the graduation service will be via Zoom. The graduation service is in conjunction with the Synod Assembly.

We are excited to see twelve new graduates join the Grand Canyon Diakonia alumni. We are even more excited to see where this faith journey will lead the graduates.

Learn more about this great program at
