Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Operations and management resources for ELCA church leaders

ELCA Treasurer Lori Fedyk invites you to subscribe to Administration Matters, a bimonthly publication addressing common, practical issues including finance, governance, risk management, taxes and legal concerns, as well as other topics of interest relating to day-to-day operations and management in church settings.


Thank you for your support of the churchwide organization and for all you do as congregation and synod leaders. You bring a wealth of knowledge, vision and experience to the great work of this church.

If you are not already familiar with it, we would like to introduce to you our bimonthly publication Administration Matters, an electronic newsletter for ELCA church leaders. It addresses common, practical issues including finance, governance, risk management, taxes and legal concerns, as well as other topics of interest relating to day-to-day operations and management in church settings.

You can subscribe to Administration Matters by going to (see left side of page to signup). Subscription is free, your name won’t be added to any other mailing lists, and you may unsubscribe at any time if you decide to opt out.

Should you choose to subscribe, we hope that you will find Administration Matters to be a useful tool in managing your work on behalf of the ELCA. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if we can assist you. The email address for the Office of the Treasurer is


Lori Fedyk