Office of the Bishop flooded
At the Office of the Bishop, we are blessed to be continually flooded: with prayers, with mission support from congregations and individuals, with unexpected fruits of the Spirt, with companionship from ministry partners, and with joyful work from so many volunteers and church leaders. On Sunday morning, we were finally flooded with actual water.
Bishop Hutterer received a call from our Brinks Security in the wee hours of Sunday, saying movement was detected on the property. Water was pouring through our ceiling from a flooded office above. Bishop Hutterer and Theresa Thornburgh, our Director of Administration and Events, spent hours on Sunday moving items from harms way and doing a rough clean-up.
Our leasing company said, “If this had not been discovered until Monday morning we may have lost the entire building.” We are grateful for quick responses from them and their on-the-ground professionals.
Theresa Thornburgh, who has physically been the keeper of our office throughout the entire pandemic, is working with the property manager, the emergency restoration company, and our various vendors to make sure the office is up and running as soon as possible. The damage is significant: carpet, drywall, and furniture will need replacing. We are currently with internet service or copy capability.
We thank you for your patience and prayers, and are grateful no one was hurt in this situation.