Navigating Social Media: A Guide for the Faithful Youth

Equip the youth in your life for a faith-filled social media journey with "Social Media Smarts," a workshop by Dr. Angela Gorrell, now available on-demand at your own pace. Dive into faith-integration strategies, digital insights, and family frameworks. Limited availability.

In today's hyper-connected age, the challenge of guiding our youth through the intricacies of social media is daunting. Our phones, tablets, and computers have transformed how we communicate, learn, and socialize. But as these technologies become even more integral to daily life, many are left wondering: how can we ensure our children and youth engage with these platforms in a faith-filled, responsible manner?

Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead Team recognizes this challenge and is excited to introduce a valuable resource: "Social Media Smarts." This insightful workshop is spearheaded by the esteemed Dr. Angela Gorrell, who not only provides a deep understanding of the digital realm but also bridges it with the essence of faith.

Participants can expect:

  • Faith Integration: Strategies on helping kids embody their faith while interacting online.

  • Digital Insight: Discover where the youth are most active online, along with the challenges and prospects linked with those platforms.

  • Family Framework: Construct a balanced family routine around digital media that prioritizes spiritual growth and well-being.

Why wait? For a mere $27, you can access this on-demand workshop, which comes packed with a downloadable guide and an exclusive spiritual exercise tailored for families. But don’t delay – it's available only for a limited period.

Furthermore, if you know someone - be it in your congregation, school, or family circle - who might find this workshop beneficial, spread the word. After all, in our journey of faith, guidance and community are paramount.

Stay blessed, Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead Team