LSSN: New satellite location, employment navigation, and homeless population annual survey
Lutheran Social Services of Nevada (LSSN) shares updates on a new satellite opening, employment navigators, cooking matters, and the annual survey of the local homeless population.
Employment Navigators
We are so excited to be a part of the employment journey for so many; our Employment Navigators just helped a young man from Venezuela get a great IT job! We also recently had our first hiring event with Amazon and 13 job seekers came to this instant hiring event. It was even easier to get hired than we initially thought! Individuals simply filled out the application and background info and within a week will be told whether they are an Amazon employee or not. After that, they download the app and choose which shifts, up to 40 hours a week, that work out for them. Our next instant hire event is coming up March 1. Spread the word! We can coach you on how to navigate the complexities of the job market.
We all need coaches in our lives in certain areas and at certain times. I have several people coach me. My pastor coaches me on improving my character. I have an IT guy that helps me with website development. My chiropractor gave me great advice on improving my posture and stretches that I can do. I even ask people at the gym, who seem to know what they are doing, if my form is correct when I do squats. People are usually very happy to help!
It takes 30 seconds to start the process with an Employment Navigator. You can scan the QR code in the image above, or click on this form. We start by discussing your work experience, skills, and career goals. From there, we can create an action plan that outlines steps to take to get the job you want. We can also provide you with resources such as resume and cover letter templates, job search advice, interview tips, information on job fairs and other relevant resources.
“I love being coached. I get angry if I’m not coached. I ask a lot of questions and certainly appreciate any insight and feedback. I think if you ever stop listening to coaching or stop asking questions, you probably need to be doing something else.”
New satellite location
We are expanding again! This time as a satellite location headed up by our very own Derrick Felder (pictured on the right side in the front row) who explains below:
"Lutheran Social Services of Nevada is looking to provide new services in an underserved area in the northwest part of the valley. Through a partnership with Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, LSSN looks to address food insecurity in the nearby community. This location currently hosts an Open Air Market monthly that provide thousands of pounds of food to about 300 families. With that information, Holy Spirit and Lutheran Social Services of Nevada have agreed to establish a satellite pantry that could address the everyday need for food and services. LSSN will also provide birth certificates, housing assessments, women’s health connection, and additional services on scheduled days. LSSN is excited to embark on this new journey of “ serving and caring for people in need.”
Thanks to a few board members who volunteered with Cooking Matters! Classes are on Tuesday’s from 10-11 am here at LSSN. We have another class at Allegiant apartments and are doing a Bingocize class at Whitney Senior Center. For more information or to sign up contact our Health Educator Gizelle at!
Annual survey of the local homeless population
Several LSSN staff, along with the Nevada Homeless Alliance and other agencies, helped conduct the annual survey of the local homeless population. The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness that HUD requires each Continuum of Care (CoC) nationwide to conduct the survey in the last 10 days of January each year. The goal is to conduct surveys and get as accurate of a count of those areas as possible with details regarding age, ethnicity, veteran status, and length of homelessness to assist in getting more funding and programs out in the community. They gave out bus passes, snacks, hygiene products as incentives for completing the surveys. Thanks to all of the people and organizations for your efforts. Let us all continue to serve and advocate for vulnerable populations here in our city!