“Low-Cost Communication Tactics for Grand Canyon Synod Leaders” webinar resources available

Our “Low-Cost Communication Tactics for Grand Canyon Synod Leaders” webinar was hosted by Brian Flatgard, Director of Communications on Tuesday, May 7, 2024. View the recording at us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/oabC3r4v_dyRkByuI5kCetkyS1uLnL7tpIHp45zv1KA7MuL15Yir4ymrhr3kMJ93.mvqQhl6tTffxdrUx with the passcode: 1bELj=?h

You can view the text and slides in this blog post, and view a PDF of the bullet points from the slide deck.


Our online event was designed to empower church leaders with effective, budget-friendly communication strategies. Whether you missed the live session or need a refresher, this post captures the essential insights from the webinar.

Key Topics Covered

Part 1: Efficient Communication Strategies

  • Synod's Model for Daily Engagement: Learn how the Synod leverages Squarespace blogs and Facebook to maintain daily contact with congregants, compiling these into a robust weekly newsletter sent every Friday.

  • Design and Consistency: Emphasis on using simple, consistent design elements like Proxima Nova typeface and a warm color palette to enhance readability and avoid distractions.

  • Automation Tools: Discussion on how tools like Squarespace can simplify the design and distribution process, making it easier for those without technical backgrounds.

Part 2: Implementation and Adaptation for Congregations

  • Understanding Your Needs: Identify the specific needs of your congregation, focusing on audience size and characteristics (1,000 to 2,000 engaged Lutherans).

  • Choosing the Right Platforms: Guidance on selecting appropriate social media platforms and web hosting services (Squarespace, Wix, WordPress) based on your congregation's demographic and communication needs.

  • Content Creation and Management: Tips for crafting engaging content that resonates with both existing members and potential newcomers. Learn to use a mix of content types like videos, blogs, and live sessions to cater to different preferences.

Building and Managing Your Team

  • Recruitment and Training: Strategies for assembling a volunteer communication team, including role assignments based on skills and interests.

  • Empowering Volunteers: Creating a supportive environment with training resources, mentorship, and regular acknowledgment of volunteer contributions.

Additional Resources

  • Digital Tools: Overview of free and low-cost tools like Canva for graphic design, Google Analytics for engagement tracking, and Buffer for social media management.

  • Content Calendar Creation: Instructions on how to use tools like Airtable and Google Sheets to develop a content calendar that organizes and schedules communication tasks effectively.