Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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LEAN June 2019 newsletter: The Work Goes On

Lutheran Engagement And Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN) is providing monthly updates to synod offices. Welcome to their first newsletter, from Sheila Freed, LEAN Board Member & Publicist.

Bill Leadford, LEAN Advocate

The Work Goes On

By the time you read this, the 2019 Nevada Legislature may well be over. When it ends, the presiding officer in each chamber adjourns the meeting “sine die.” This is a Latin phrase, universally mispronounced, that translates literally as “without a day.” It makes it sound terribly final, as if no one is ever coming back again. We all know that two years from now many of the same people will be back, often confronting the same issues. 

The work of government goes on, even when the Legislature is not in session. 

LEAN’s work continues as well. Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada exists for two related reasons: To speak out on behalf of the least among us to elected officials, and to Lutherans and others across the state. Both groups have power to change things. 

LEAN has a paid Advocate at the Legislature during the Session. Bill Ledford has done well in his first session, testifying about proposals that the LEAN Board has chosen to take a position on. Some of these bills have passed, some have not. Next month we will sort some of this out. Right now, a lot isn’t known, because so much legislation is decided in the last few days of a session. “Backroom Deals” are unfortunately common. Last month’s article was about several reforms that had been postponed because they carry spending requirements. Such postponements help set up conditions ripe for backroom deals, because pressure to “just get finished” is huge. 

The deadline also enhances the power of lobbyists. In the final days, there isn’t time for careful analysis of bills, and there is a tendency for legislators to rely on lobbyists for information, biased as it might be. 

This is why it is so important for LEAN to have an Advocate at the Legislature. Bill Ledford has been working all session to establish personal relationships with Senators and Assembly Members. He has worked to explain why particular measures are good or bad policy in a just society. He has worked to articulate our Lutheran Christian values as outlined in the ELCA Social Statements. 

Bill’s advocacy and that of LEAN generally does not end at “sine die” any more than legislators become just private citizens when they go back home. Bill will continue to connect with them, sometimes to discuss plans to try again in the next session to pass measures that failed, sometimes to discuss interim studies that take place between sessions. 

The “interim,” or time between sessions, also is a time for LEAN to focus more on parishioners, helping them to understand the issues and the various ways those issues might be addressed. 

Financial support is needed to keep all this work going. LEAN receives funds from ELCA Churchwide, and from the Sierra Pacific and Grand Canyon Synods. We also receive support from congregations throughout the two synods. LEAN is grateful for all support, and we operate frugally. 

We hope to emphasize the “engagement” part of our name more in the next eighteen months. Many know about the Legislative website, and about the resources it offers for keeping informed and for expressing views on legislation. This does not disappear when the session ends. We hope to do some training so more people can learn the tools at their disposal. We are blessed to live in a state where direct access to elected officials is easy. Martin Luther viewed committed, informed citizenship part of our Christian calling, and this is echoed in the first ELCA Social Statement, “The Church in Society.” A lot has been written lately about how individuals need to work to reclaim democracy from special interests. LEAN hopes to work with Lutherans and legislators across the state toward that goal