Installation of Pastor Pam Reynolds
Rev. Kimberly Sterner, Rev. Pam A. Reynolds, Rev. Jacqui Pagel, Rev. Stephen Beyer
Pastor Pam Reynolds was installed at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, Sun City West, on Saturday, February 6, 2021.
We reprint an inspiring letter Pastor Reynolds wrote just before she was ordained from the church’s newsletter, Lifelines. Read it below or in this PDF.
Who Knew? God said, “I did!”
When I moved to Arizona in June of 2019, I knew it would be for just one year. I knew that there would be another transition for myself, my mom and the beloved Golden Retriever, Murphy. I had no idea where that transition would lead. Then, beginning in October of 2019, I learned that we were headed to the Western North Dakota Synod. A territory that these two Southwest women, and the beloved Golden Retriever knew absolutely nothing about. There was the excitement of new frontiers to explore, and then came the realization that the reality of remoteness and harsh winter weather would not be a wise choice for my family. So, in November, after much prayer and discernment it was evident that a hard conversation was necessary with a bishop whom I’d never met. With much fear and trepidation, I called the newly elected, Bishop Craig Schweitzer of Western North Dakota and he listened to my plight.
To my surprise and delight, he was gracious, kind and in full agreement that this move would not be wise for my mother or for me. We didn’t discuss the beloved Golden Retriever, Murphy.
The next phone call that I received was from Bishop Deborah Hutterer of the Grand Canyon Synod telling me: “You’re mine.” Had I not been in public at the time, I might have fallen over. You see, I had assumed I would be sent back to my home synod in Southern California. The Bishop also said to me: “There is a congregation in Grand Canyon Synod that has requested you.” Again, you could have knocked me over with a feather. Since then, you have all read or heard the story about the plan to issue a call to me as Lord of Life Lutheran’s third staff pastor.
I have been digesting this possibility with more prayer, discernment and with great joy!
The whirlwind of directional change around my first call has been amazing and there is only one entity responsible. God. I would never have planned or guessed that the outcome of my journey to rostered ministry would bring me to a first call in Sun City West, Arizona, but I am whole heartedly delighted by that possibility. I say possibility because I am writing this during the time that you, the community of Lord of Life, are voting yay or nay to issue that call. While I am ready to joyfully say yes and immerse myself in the work of being your pastor, I have a deep respect for the processes in the ELCA by which we live. I also have a deep respect for the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and how the Spirit has worked to bring us together. Should the outcome be that Lord of Life discerns we are not a match, I will be sad, but not disheartened. I am confident that when I get out of the way, God has good and wonderful plans to use me for ministry in God’s church. Still, I pray that it is here.
Since arriving last Fall, this community has been nothing but welcoming and loving to both me and my mom. Yes, even Murphy, the beloved Golden Retriever has been the recipient of your love and generous spirit here. It would be a privilege to continue to work with and among you in ministry and be called one of your own here at Lord of Life.
So, I wait, in prayer for votes to come in, for counting to begin, for results to be tabulated and an announcement made. I will enthusiastically, and with delight, say yes to a call here, but in the case that one is not offered, I will be sad to say goodbye but also delight in what God has planned for me next. Lord of Life will always be part of who I am as Pastor Pam.
“Ever-living God, strengthen and sustain pastors, especially Pastor Pam Reynolds, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people. Grant that together they may follow in the way of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”