Inspiring Actions and New Leaders: Blessed Tomorrow’s Summer Update

In recent news from Blessed Tomorrow, a multifaceted campaign titled 'One Home One Future' aims to bolster vitality and community connection across local congregations of diverse faiths. A free informational webinar is scheduled for August 9, 2023, for those interested in participating and receiving a congregation kit and resources. Zumwalt Acres, a hub for climate-smart agriculture, showcases a model of regenerative farming and community-building that other communities could replicate.

The 'Let’s Talk Climate' series adds a new episode titled 'Side with Love: A Model for Climate Justice,' featuring Rachel Myslivy from the Unitarian Universalist Association. The Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ have elected new leaders - Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt and Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson respectively, both of whom are making history in their roles. Our feature blog from Priscilla Martinez, a BT Climate Justice Fellow, delivers an inspirational narrative, connecting faith and environmental action.

Lastly, Blessed Tomorrow's Ambassador Program offers workshops, resources, and climate talks aimed at bridging the political divide on climate solutions and initiating actionable strategies. We continue to remain vigilant about global environmental developments, emphasizing the need for collective action and hope."

Read the full newsletter here.