Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Growing Generosity stretch goal: $250,000 by 12/31/2023

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Through the generosity of individuals and congregations, together, as Grand Canyon Synod, we raised more than $500,000 within the first year of our three-year appeal.

In gratitude for, and in light of this success, the Growing Generosity Task Force has challenged us to seek additional $250,000 by the end of 2023. The plans for these additional funds will benefit Lutheran Campus Ministries, new & emerging ministries, and our advocacy efforts.

If you have already made a gift or pledge, thank you. If you are able to make a second gift, or if you still considering a gift, please check out the website or contact any member of the Task Force.

The charts on this page show how the initial funds are already being put to use throughout our synod, as well as plans for future funds.

  1. Growing Future Ministries: $166,000 raised for Lutheran Campus Ministry ($83,333) and new & emerging ministries ($83,333).

  2. Growing Fervent Voices: $83,333 raised for Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA, $58,333) and Lutheran Engagement and Advocacy in Nevada (LEAN, $25,000).

Your generosity helps us reach our $750,000 goal by 12/31/2023.

Grow our synod’s ministries by visiting our pledge form and exploring giving options.