Boundary Training course completion certificates due by 2/28/2023
All active Grand Canyon Synod rostered ministers are required to participate in professional boundary training every three years. Retired rostered ministers are not required. The Office of the Bishop has partnered with CongregationU to provide Boundary Awareness Training for $29.00.
Click here to take this course by 2/15/2023, and email your certificate of completion to by 2/28/2023. Learn more in a letter from Bishop Hutterer below…
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Dear Rostered Leaders,
Rooted in God’s grace and steadfast love, we are called as followers of Jesus to live a life of bold trust in God and joyful, generous service to everyone we know and meet in life. Affirming God’s gracious covenant made with us in baptism, we commit to live in right relationship to God and neighbor.
As a part of this commitment, all active rostered ministers of the ELCA are required to remain current with Boundary Awareness training. The Grand Canyon Synod Council requires that all rostered ministers participate in some form of professional boundary training every three years. This training is to affirm practices that you currently engage in, and include best practices that may be new to you in our changing world.
The Office of the Bishop has partnered with CongregationU to provide you with an easily accessible online format for the Boundary Awareness Training. GCS ministers have been provided a specific link for this mandatory one course that is offered through Safe Gatherings at a cost of $29.00.
Invitation name: Grand Canyon Synod Clergy Ethics Training
Invitation Link:
If this creates a financial hardship, please contact Pr. Jacqui Pagel at the synod office to request use of a scholarship fund. These courses are designated as Continuing Education and reflect the willingness of pastors and deacons to remain knowledgeable on the ways to keep you and the people you are called to serve safe. Additional classes are also available for interested leaders and/or congregation members.
Once you have successfully completed the online course, please email your certificate of completion to or mail to: Grand Canyon Synod, 1819 E. Morten Avenue, #110, Phoenix, AZ 85020 no later than February 28, 2023.
The course is open online immediately and close at midnight on February 15, 2023.
Thank you for making the well-being of our church on of your top priorities. We are church together, better together for the sake of the gospel.
Grateful for how God uses you for good in the world,
Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer
Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA