Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Give a goat: a powerful four-legged solution to poverty

Friend, by now, you've probably heard about our Gifts of Love catalog and what awesome Christmas gifts you can find there. But did you know the gift of a goat can start the wheels of change in a BIG way? Not just for families in need but for entire communities. Transform the future, and give a goat!

Capable of tolerating even the harshest climates, goats provide a continuous source of nutritious milk and cheese to feed hungry children.

They also provide great natural fertilizer (and lots of it) for crops, helping families grow a variety of critically needed, healthy food to feed their children.

Plus, selling milk, cheese and vegetables at the market helps families earn valuable income while also providing nutritious food to other hungry children in the community.

One goat's impact multiplies. Literally. Over and over again. And we're not kidding!

As more families in the community begin to raise goats, the more the whole community thrives, because families have a source of income and plenty to eat.

Thank you for sharing your love and blessings by choosing a life-changing Gift of Love today. God bless you!