GCS represented at the Extravaganza 2020


Delegates from the Grand Canyon Synod attended the ELCA Youth Ministry Network’s Extravaganza 2020, for leaders who work with youth in our congregations. This year’s event was held in Anaheim CA, January 31 to February 3. There were over 625 participants from every synod of the ELCA represented.

The “E” is an event held annually in various spots across the United States. The event encourages Youth Directors, Volunteers, and adults that love youth to build relationships, share ideas, and have fun. The themed event “Practice not Perfect” featured speakers, exhibitors, and worship. Next year’s event will be in Minneapolis, MN February 5-8, 2021.

For more info, contact Pr. Jacqui (JPagel@gcsynod.org) or go to the ELCA Youth Ministry Network at www.elcaymnet.org.