Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Four ways to use Stories of Faith in Action

How can you inspire ELCA members with this publication?

View this how-to PDF resource , visit our SOFIA 2021-2022 page for all resources, or this post which has:

  1. links for the digital and print PDF;

  2. one-page stories for printing;

  3. three videos for social media or mission moment with your congregation (1, 2, 3);

  4. and prompts for devotional time.

Stories of Faith in Action is a free, annual publication highlighting how God is changing lives through the ministries funded by your congregation’s Mission Support offering, which it shares with your synod and the ELCA churchwide organization. Together, the ELCA serves God’s people across the United States and globally through our 9,100 congregations, 65 synods and one churchwide organization.

How can you inspire ELCA members with this publication? Here are some ideas.

As part of your ongoing stewardship effort

Share the link to the Stories of Faith in Action interactive The digital and print PDF in your digital congregational communications (email newsletter and more). Let them know that their giving in 2020 made these stories possible.

In weekly bulletins and newsletters

Stories from this publication are available as one-page stories for printing to complement your existing communications.

As devotions for council meetings or leadership retreats

Need prompts for devotional time? Stories of Faith in Action includes a devotional outline, complete with Bible verses, discussion questions and prayer. The outline can be used at your next meeting or retreat.

Share one of the videos via social media or during worship

Three stories in Stories of Faith in Action (1, 2, 3) have a corresponding video found at Share these videos on your social media platforms or with your congregation as a video mission moment.