Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Faith+Lead offers Dare to Lead for Church Leaders

Luther Seminary’s Faith+Lead offers Dare to Lead for Church Leaders, and it’s based on the research and teaching of Dr. Brené Brown. Over six immersive sessions, our facilitator, Rev. Sarah Ciavarri, will apply these Dare to Lead principles to church leadership. Click here to learn more and register.

From a young age, a lot of us received some pretty consistent messaging about how to successfully navigate life, love, and work: Go with the flow. Avoid making any waves. Don’t rock the boat.

These words have the potential for real disaster when they become your identity. At their worst, these are the ingredients for becoming indecisive and conflict-avoidant. If you’re someone who absorbed those messages in full and now finds yourself in a leadership position, you may be experiencing frustration, fatigue, and a high degree of burnout. 

Here’s the bottom line: you’re stuck with these old patterns or a lifetime of going through the motions. Not if we can help it! We want to tell you about a course we’re hosting. It’s called Dare to Lead for Church Leaders, and it’s based on the research and teaching of Dr. Brené Brown. Over six immersive sessions, our facilitator, Rev. Sarah Ciavarri, will apply these Dare to Lead principles to church leadership. In it, you’ll learn what authentic leadership looks like, what it’s not, and how to build the courage to live out your values in all aspects of your life and ministry.

Click the link below for all the details and a chance to register. Sometimes you have to rock the boat.

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