Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Faithful Discernment: Embracing the ‘Election Sermon’ Tradition for 2024

Rev. Dr. Jim Antal’s blog post, featured by Blessed Tomorrow, a faith-based environmental advocacy group, revives the tradition of the ‘Election Sermon’ to guide faith communities through the 2024 elections with integrity and compassion, underscoring the importance of political participation as a reflection of our core spiritual values. Read the post on the Blessed Tomorrow web site.

In a compelling blog post from Blessed Tomorrow, a coalition of diverse religious partners, Rev. Dr. Jim Antal urges faith communities to embrace their prophetic role in addressing the crises of democracy and climate change. The tradition of the ‘Election Sermon’ is highlighted as a powerful tool for religious leaders to guide their congregations in moral discernment as the 2024 elections approach. Antal advocates for sermons that rise above partisanship, offering congregations moral principles drawn from faith traditions to inform their political decision-making, including care for the vulnerable, justice, the common good, truthfulness, and environmental stewardship.

As people of faith, we are reminded that political engagement is a manifestation of our spiritual values. The blog post calls for active participation in public life as a faithful response to God’s call to love and justice. It emphasizes the importance of voting as a sacred duty, where the values of compassion, equity, and stewardship for creation should guide our choices. Rev. Dr. Jim Antal’s message is a clarion call to faith communities to uphold their spiritual commitments in the political sphere, bringing hope and transformative action for the sake of our global community.