Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Empower Your Congregation with Solar: Discover Financing Options in IPL’s Webinar

As congregations across the country seek ways to become more sustainable, solar energy presents a compelling opportunity. Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) recently hosted a webinar on June 13th, providing crucial insights on how faith communities can finance solar installations. The session featured expert advice on financing options, federal incentives, and testimonials from congregations that have successfully navigated the process.

Jerry Bernstein, a seasoned coach for IPL congregations, kicked off the webinar by exploring various solar financing options. These included leasing and Power Purchase Agreements (PPA), both viable avenues for congregations looking to embrace solar without the upfront costs.

Following this, Miguel Yanez from the Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) delved into Direct Pay, a new federal financing mechanism designed specifically for nonprofits like congregations. His overview highlighted how this program can significantly ease the financial burden of solar installation, making it more accessible for faith communities.

A particularly inspiring moment came when Maggie Chappen, Senior Warden at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, shared her congregation’s journey. Maggie detailed their experience filing for Direct Pay and the challenges and triumphs they encountered along the way. Her testimonial provided practical insights and encouragement for others embarking on a similar path.

To wrap up the webinar, Sam Kooharian from EnergySage discussed how congregations can find reliable solar installers. He provided an overview of the resources available through EnergySage, which can connect faith communities with experienced professionals to ensure a smooth installation process.

For those who missed the live session, you can access the full recording on IPL’s YouTube channel here. Additional resources, including slides and links to further reading, can be found on IPL’s Solar Financing for Congregations page. These resources are invaluable for any congregation ready to take the next step toward sustainability.

Faith communities play a pivotal role in the movement to safeguard our climate. By exploring solar energy, your congregation can contribute to this vital mission while also reducing energy costs. Start your solar journey today by watching the webinar and accessing the wealth of resources provided by IPL.