ELCA Worship News: September, 2022


We have turned to the autumn months in the Time after Pentecost. It has been only a little over a month since the ELCA gathered in Ohio for the 2022 Churchwide Assembly. Worship is central to each churchwide assembly. There were varied opportunities for worship throughout the week. In addition to the 1,200 people present in Ohio, many more tuned in to the livestreams of worship and plenary sessions. These videos continue to be available on the Churchwide Assembly website for viewing in these weeks following the assembly. While worship at Churchwide Assembly is designed for a unique context, we hope that the assembly’s worship will inspire and challenge worship planning, leadership, and experience in your local context.

In peace,
Deacon John Weit
Executive for Worship

Readings for the Assembly (Emended) is available for provisional use

Readings for the Assembly was first published in the mid-1990s and presented the Revised Common Lectionary texts in a version emended from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. These texts are still available, but provisional “Readings for the Assembly (Emended)” are newly available to subscribers as downloadable PDFs in the Sundays and Seasons library. A helpful blog post from Augsburg Fortressprovides further information about this emended version, including a link to additional background and principles. Content will be added to the Sundays and Seasons library in quarterly installments.

All Creation Sings

The All Creation Sings family of resources is available for purchase from Augsburg Fortress. This includes the Pew Edition, Leaders Edition and Accompaniment Edition. Also available is the volume Indexes to Evangelical Lutheran Worship and All Creation Sings. Newly available are the All Creation Sings Booklets for Kids. These four booklets—Kids Celebrate Worship, Kids Celebrate Hymns and Songs, Kids Celebrate Creation and Kids Celebrate the Trinity—are designed to be used as activity books with the pew edition of All Creation Sings.You can learn more about All Creation Sings at its webpage, now with user-friendly filtering capabilities that enable you to more easily access informative articles, teaching videos and webinar recordings. Downloadable introductory materials and image files are also available, as are links to all ACS-related products.

“ELCA Guidelines for Ministry in a Multi-Religious World”

In times of tragedy or community celebration, we engage not only with other Lutherans and other Christians but also with our interreligious partners. The "ELCA Guidelines for Ministry in a Multi-Religious World” are a helpful starting place for our interreligious relationships. These guidelines were called for as part of “A Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment,” adopted at the 2019 Churchwide Assembly, and are consistent with the church’s policy as expressed in the declaration. A recent blog post gives additional context.

Language for God: A Lutheran Perspective, Mary J. Streufert

Mary J. Streufert's Language for God explores the ways language and images influence who we are and how we live. It declares the necessity of language and images for God that are expansive and inclusive of all genders. Lutheran perspectives are used as a compass to offer Scriptural, theological, and historical insights to advance the reformation of Christian language. Streufert serves as director for Gender Justice and Women's Empowerment and for the Quality of Call initiative in the Office of the Presiding Bishop.

Prompts for Prayers of Intercession

As events in the world unfold, you may want assistance in contextualizing the prayers of intercession. ELCA Worship provides “Prompts for Prayers of Intercession” each Wednesday on its Worship Blog and links to them from its Facebook page. For additional resources for crafting intercessions, visit this annotated list.

Upcoming ALCM Webinar, “Tried and True—With a Twist!”: Friday, Oct. 7, 2 p.m. Eastern time

G. Phillip Shoultz III, associate artistic director, VocalEssence, and cantor for worship, music, and the arts at Westwood Lutheran Church, St. Louis Park, Minn., takes you on an exploration of ways you can expand your musical horizons while remaining faithful to who we are as Lutherans. The session will share musical ideas appropriate for all facets of the liturgy and will be interactive, allowing God to unite our voices as we sing from the comfort of our own space.

In-Person ALCM Workshop, Messiah Lutheran Church, Marquette, Mich., Saturday, Oct. 15, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Dr. Wayne Wold will present a day looking at a variety of topics related to worship and music, including pastoral care for choirs and directors and leading congregational song from the keyboard. Registration is $25 per person ($10 for students) and includes lunch. Register today!

Music that Makes Community: Advent Planning workshop and other events and resources

MMC is launching an exciting array of in-person, online, and hybrid programming this fall while welcoming new and returning faces to our paperless singing practice. Resuming in September, Morning Groundinginvites all to gather around singing and grounding contemplation each Monday at 10 a.m. Eastern time. Join them for their Advent Worship Planning Workshop in September. It is an interactive Advent, Christmastide, and Epiphany worship planning workshop with Paul Vasile.

In October, MMC offers a one-day workshop at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church in Annapolis, Md., as well as two three-day retreats: Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey three-day retreat in Albuquerque, N.M., or at Cross Roads Camp three-day retreat in Port Murray, N.J.

The community calendar is a great place to see what is happening in the community.

Journey to Baptismal Living: North American Association for the Catechumenate

Journey to Baptismal Living is an ecumenical community of Christians seeking to support formation in discipleship by exploring the meaning of baptismal identity, faith, and mission.
Members offer training programs and events to develop skills and resources for baptismal preparation and for deepening faith in baptismal living. Sign up to receive information about events and resources.

Worship resources from Augsburg Fortress