Celebrate the work done together in Christ’s name

At recent synod assemblies, we celebrated the collective work we have done as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Two videos were shared with each assembly, and now we offer these same resources for you to share in your congregation. We hope these videos will inspire our ministry moving forward.

“For Such a Time” synod assembly video

In her 2019 message to ELCA synod assemblies, Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton shares what it means to be called "for such a time as this.” WATCH | DOWNLOAD

Annual Report video

The ELCA churchwide organization works with synods and congregations to be church for the sake of the world. The annual report video highlights some of this work done globally, domestically and in our neighborhoods. WATCH | DOWNLOAD

Thank you! All of this is possible because together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully. Go in peace and share the good news.