Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Catie and Josh Sondrol of Mount Olive Lutheran prepare to serve in Thailand

Catie and Josh Sondrol of Mount Olive Lutheran Prepare to Serve with Joni & Friends/Advance Mobility Mission

For the past 2 years Catie and Josh Sondrol have traveled to Chiang Mia, Thailand to serve with Joni & Friends at their International Family Retreat which is sponsored by Jasmine and & Joey Tells’ Christian church in Thailand. The International Family Retreat offers 4 days of “a safe and accepting Christ-centered environment for individuals affected by disability and their families” (

The families are cared for, encouraged, and rejuvenated through worship, therapy services, and fun activities that cultivate relationships. Each individual receives a buddy to maximizes their success and provide respite to the family. The Thailand church helps to sponsor the family’s travel expenses as many are traveling from remote areas of Thailand to attend the retreat. Many of the families who attend come from a faith background of Buddhism, however about 50% of the families convert to Christianity after the family retreat.

Catie’s role at camp has been consultation with families regarding their child’s development and direct therapy services for the individual. Josh’s role at camp has been assisting with set up and clean up of all the activities and serving as a strong male role model figure for the children. Mt. Olive has been a monetary support as well as a prayer support to Jasmine & Joey’s RICD project, so it has been a blessing to extend our church’s relationship with them to a hands-on experience. Mt. Olive has sent us to Thailand with supplies and toys for the family retreat, prayer shawls, and items from the woodshop ministry in the years past.

This year we are called to serve with Joni & Friends in El Salvador November 19 through 26, 2019. Catie recruited one of her fellow occupational therapist friends and her husband from Boston to serve on the El Salvador team along side of them. 

If you would like, you can make a direct, tax-deductible donation.

Finally, through our ministry calling with Joni & Friends, Catie has learned about their Wheels For The World ministry and has become a Wheelchair Corp team lead for our area. You can donate your used non-electric wheelchairs, canes, crutches, collapsible walkers, and pediatric gait trainers and receive a tax-deductible form. No matter the condition the item will be accepted. Catie and Josh will take the items to the prison in Kingman where they will refurbished and prepared for shipment to third world countries in need, such as Jasmine & Joey’s RICD program. If you have an item you would like to donate please contact Catie at 928-208-6036. In the fall we will have a citywide Wheelchair Drive for collection.